NGC 2129


Ngc 2129 the open star cluster near the equator located in the gemini constellation it was discovered by William Hersche l in 1782. Located in the local spiral approximately 7200 lght years away. The cluster is relatively young with an estimated age of 10 million years. The cluster itself has a diameter of 10.4 light years, the cluster has a magnitude an apparent magnitude of 6.7 and is primarily dominated by two B type stars that are most likely in a binary system.


This cluster has a an angular distance of 2.5 arcminutes and the j2000 coordinates of the cluster are Right Acension:06 01 06.0  and Declination:+23 19 41


To analyze this clusters colors, age, and chemical composer i used the skynet telescope system. I was able to take multiple photos of the cluster at different hours untilizing the B, V, and R filter. I was then able to use the data for these photos in cluster pro plus, this allowed me to calculate the cure and compute basic peramiters of the cluster.

RA = 0.3±0.6 (mas/yr) 

Dec = -2.2±0.6 (mas/yr)

Distance = 2.67±1.37 (kpc)

error would be 51.44% 

Log(Age(yr)) = 6.17 

Metallicity (solar) =-0.03 

E(B-V) (mag) = 0.87


I found this cluster project to be very fun. For me everything went very smoothly and i was able to have an enjoyable experience. I was able to better understand and learn more about star clusters and how they work. I am glad ia was able to take part in this project and found it very enjoyable.

