NGC 5897

NGC 5897 is a very old globular cluster located in the southern constellation Libra. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784/1785, and has a visual brightness of about 8.5 magnitudes, making it fairly easy to see with any telescope (Hartmut Frommert). NGC 5897’s stars are said to have low metallicity and a high abundance […]

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NGC 3293 – The Gem Cluster

Background NGC 3293, or also known as The Gem Cluster, is a young open star cluster found in the Constellation Carina. It was initially discovered by Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1751 when he was observing parts of the southern hemisphere. Nicolas-Loius originally named the cluster “Fictor” which translated to “The Sculptor” in Latin, but the […]

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NGC 2112

Behold! NGC 2112, a mesmerizing open cluster of intermediate age located in the Orion constellation, with celestial coordinates of Right Ascension: 05h 53m 44s and Declination: +00° 24’ 38”. William Herschel discovered it in 1785, and it is estimated to be approximately 2.0 +/- 0.3 Gyr old. The cluster has a diameter of around 18 […]

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NGC 2158

NGC 2158 is an intermediate-age cluster in the northern hemisphere of the sky, specifically in the constellation Gemini. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784 and is estimated to be around 10 billion years old. Containing approximately 125,000 stars. This Globular Cluster is located about 16,000 light-years away from Earth.   Additionally, a recent […]

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NGC 2567

NGC 2567 is an intermediate age, open star cluster located in the Puppis constellation, in the southern hemisphere of the celestial sky. It is located south of the Ecliptic. It was discovered by William Herschel on March 4th, 1793 and is located 1,677 parsecs from Earth. A study by Juan J. Claria and Emilio Lapasset […]

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NGC 2506

“NGC 2506 (also known as Caldwell 54) is an intermediate age cluster in the  equatorial constellation of Monoceros. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1791 and has at least 97 probable members. It shows indications of mass segregation, with the lower mass members being more likely to be in the outer parts of the […]

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NGC 2168 – Messier 35

NGC 2168, also known as Messier 35, is a star cluster located in the constellation Gemini. The cluster was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux and independently by John Bevis in the mid-18th century. It is located about 2,970 light-years away from Earth and is a relatively young open cluster estimated to be 175 million […]

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NGC 2323 (Messier 50)

Introduction NGC 2323 is a intermediate age, open star cluster that is estimated to be around 1.4×10^8 years old. This star cluster, also known as Messier 50 was first documented by G. D. Cassini a year before it was formerly named and discovered by Charles Messier in 1772. NGC 2323 has a unique shape that […]

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NGC 2539

NGC 2539 is an intermediate age open star cluster discovered by astronomer Fredrick William Herschel in 1785.  This cluster is located in the north edge of the Puppis Constellation. What separates an open cluster from different types of clusters? Open clusters consist of stars roughly the same age due to formation from the same molecular […]

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NGC 5024

By Ghanim Jamil ghj729   Globular clusters are studied by astronomers to gain a better understanding of the galaxy they reside in, and in general estimate the age of the universe. This blog is about the globular cluster NGC 5024, also known as Messier 53. This cluster was discovered in 1775, February 3rd by a […]

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