NGC 6025, also known as Caldwell 95, is an intermediate open cluster located  in the Southern constellation Triangulum Australe. It was discovered in 1751 by Abbe Lacaille during his expedition to the Cape of Good Hope.
In a study done by M.J.Rain et al., (2021), a new Gaia-based catalogue of blue stragglers in open clusters was created. This cluster was one of the added clusters.
In order to study NGC 6025 and investigate the relationships between the colours, brightnesses, and the age and chemical composition of the cluster as a whole, I collect 15 images with the use of the PROMPT-6 telescope located in Cerro-Tololo. The images were taken with the R, B and V filters. The R filter used 5 seconds, the B filter used 8 seconds and the R filter used 5 seconds. For each filter the number of exposures was set to 1 and the process was repeated 5 times with at least 1 hour in between. Afterglow was used to create a tri-colour image of the cluster and to create a photometry file. This was done through a combination of aligning and stacking the different photos.
The photometry file was used in Cluster Astromancer to analyze the cluster and plot its data. Using the isochrone model, I was able to determine the following values about the cluster:
Distance | Log(age) | Metallicity | Reddening | PM RA: | PM DEC: |
0.77 | 7.8 | -0.15 | 0.27 | -2.96 | -3.18 |
The values were parameters to the graphs:

It can been seen in the RP vs BP-RP graph that the cluster contains white dwarfs.
Using the reddening value I was able to remove reddening affect from the tri-colour image. Thus, I created a picture of the cluster as it would appear from Earth:
The cluster was studied by Kharchenko et al (2013), who found the parameters. I plotted an RP vs BP-RP graph and an H vs J-H graph with the parameters and compared my own values to theirs. The MWSC values appeared to be a better fit. My metallicity was off as I estimated –0.15 and the catalogue had 0.19. The distance was close with the catalogue having 0.763 where I had 0.77, my log(age) was 7.75 and the catalogue had 8.18, the reddening was 0.208 and I had 0.25. The only value that was completely off was the metallicity.Â

Overall this was an incredibly fun, but challenging project as each step took a lot of time and effort.