NGC 2355, found in the Northern constellation of Gemini is a old cluster.
To properly study NGC 2355, 5 photos where taken using the B,V, and R photo filters using the Prompt5 telescope through skynet. A 145.16s exposure was used for the B filter, 64.52s for the V filter and 48.39s for the R filter. Through Afterglow I did batch photometry on the images and combined them together to create my tri-color image. Putting the photometry data into Astromancer I then removed field stars, then I added catalog stars from the GAIA, APASS, 2MASS and WISE Catalogues. Doing this I got the values and HR diagrams shown bellow.
Estimated proper motion RA (mas/yr) | Estimated proper motion DEC (mas/yr) | RA | DEC | Distance | age (log yrs) | Metallicity (solar) | E(B-V) |
-3.83 | -1.06 | 109.25 deg | -13.77 deg | 2.16 kps | 8.95 | 0.1 | 0.23 |

As you can see from the H-R diagrams this cluster contains a handful of red giants, Which reinforces the old age of this cluster.
Also using Afterglow and the reddening value I calculated I was able to make this dereddened image of the cluster. You can see some of the red supergiants shown in the HR diagrams in this image.
This cluster was studied by Kharchenko et al (2013). Comparing my results to theirs we disagree on the metallicity with them calculating -0.07 with an error of 0.11 which I found a metallicity of 0.1. We also disagreed on our reddening value as they found it to be 0.187 while I got 0.23. Overall comparing our HR diagrams I think that they are similar enough that I can feel confident in my results.

This was a very fun project that taught me a lot about how science and astronomy specifically is performed. and I would recommend this project to anyone interested in astronomy and stars.