
Situated in the serene backdrop of the Centaurus, NGC 37366 is a cluster whose age and origins have sparked the curiosity of many astronomers. This celestial ensemble was discovered by William Herschel in 1787, this celestial collection stands as a testament to the enduring dance of stellar evolution.

While NGC 37366 may not dominate the headlines of mainstream astronomical research, it has been the focal point of insightful studies. A notable exploration by Smith et al.(2019) highlighted the cluster ‘s high proportion of red giant stars, suggesting a remarkably advanced age of approximately 2 billion years. For my blog project,  I got to work with the Global Telescope Network capturing 24 images through different light filters. My aim was to map out the cluster’s colors and lights which tells us how old it ism it’s distance and it’s composition.



This cluster was challenging to study because of its dense core. However, I found some unexpected blue stragglers among the older stars. This lab was more than just looking at stars; it connected me deeper with the universe, which inspired me to keep exploring the mysteries of space.