NGC 5925

NGC 5925 is an intermediate-age cluster in the Southern constellation Norma. It was discovered by John Louis in 1888. This open cluster is not studied as well as some other clusters around the galaxy which makes it a very unique cluster to observe and learn about.

In recent study researchers from 2021 determined that NGC 5925 has an significantly rich population of stars. What makes it even more interesting is that the stars differ quiet a lot in their spectral types and stages of evolution which means that it had a very complex history of the stars formations.

To study NGC 5925 and investigate the relationships between the colors, brightnesses, and the age and chemical composition of the cluster as a whole, I collected 15 images using R , B, and V photometric filters with the prompt6 telescopes. The total exposure duration was 31 seconds, 121 seconds, and 61 seconds in these filters, with other imaging parameters, using Skynet. I used Afterglow and Cluster Astromancer for their purposes. And I found these basic results that this star cluster is approximatly 4,932 light years away.

Though this analysis i discovered NGC 9259 was filled with blue stragglers and red giants making it a very diverse star cluster. This analysis was important as it helped with determining the age of the star cluster which showed me it was an intermediate aged star. One difficulty I ran into was because of the star clusters massive size which made it difficult so achive a high resolution image of the cluster.

my cluster was studied in 2021 who cataloged basic parameters of open clusters. By plotting the Gaia data with these parameters, I noted slight error in the estimated distance and proper motion, suggesting that NGC 5925 may be slightly further than what I observed.


having completed my analysis i find that NGC5925 is a very interesting and diverse star cluster that I enjoyed analyzing