NGC 4349

NGC 4349 is an intermediately aged open cluster that is located approximately 7000 light years away from Earth. This open cluster is found in a Southern constellation named Crux and was discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in 1826. This cluster is known to be significantly more visible when viewed from the southern hemisphere, which helped […]

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NGC 5139 -Omega Centauri

NGC 5139 is a large globular cluster, given the more common name Omega Centauri and is the most massive-known globular cluster in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is located in the constellation of Centaurus in the southern sky, at a distance of around 4.8 (+- 0.34) kiloparsecs from Earth, and contains approximately 10 million stars. […]

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NGC 2414

NGC 2414 a young cluster approximately 9.5 million years old, is located in the southern constellation Puppis. This cluster was discovered by William Herschel in 1875 using a telescope measuring 47.5 cm. NGC 2414 is situated 1.3 degrees southwest of the well-known open cluster luminaries M46 and M47. To analyze NGC 2414 and investigate the […]

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NGC 2489

NGC 2489 is a young open cluster in the constellation of Puppis, situated in the southern hemisphere and is said to be visible with a small telescope. This cluster was discovered in 1785 by William Herschel. NGC 2489 is ~19 light years away and is estimated to be 18.4 million years old. I couldn’t find […]

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NGC 4833

NGC 4833 NGC 4833 is an old globular cluster located in the southern constellation Musca. It was discovered in 1751-1752 by the French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille during his two-year journey to South Africa. NGC 4833 is one of the oldest clusters known in the Milky Way. Its age is estimated to be around 12.54 […]

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NCG 2343

NGC 2343 is an open cluster that is situated close to the celestial equator and therefore is visible from both the Northern and Southern parts of the hemisphere. It is in the Monoceros constellation, otherwise known as The Unicorn Constellation. This open cluster was discovered by William Herschel in the year 1785. The cluster is […]

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NGC 1904

NGC 1904 is an old globular cluster in the Southern constellation Lepus (NGC 1904). It was discovered by Pierre MĂ©chain in 1780 and has since been a topic of argument between astronomers, as the cluster may have been a part of another galaxy. It is a part of the Messier Catalogue, which MĂ©chain helped create. It is […]

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