NGC 2374

NGC 2374 is an open cluster within the Canis Major constellation.It is approximately 3950 light years from the sun. It is composed of both bright and faint stars. The estimated age of this cluster is 75 million years. It was discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1785. This cluster was analysed by taking 15 images […]

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IC 4499

IC 4499 is a loose old star cluster in the Southern constellation Apus, with other designations for the globular cluster being GCI 30 and Melotte 129. It was said to be discovered by DeLisle Stewart in Jun 13, 1901, and was thought to be unusual due to the determined metallicity in 1995, made it appear […]

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ASTR 113 Star Clusters: NGC 2439

NGC 2439 is a sparse, young, open cluster in the southern constellation Puppis. A study by Eggenberger, Meynet, and Maeder (2002) found that its ratio of blue to red supergiants was in line with other clusters of similar age and position in the galaxy. To properly analyze this cluster myself I made observations using the […]

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ngc 5823

ngc 5823 also known as Caldwell 88 is a relatively young open star cluster located in the southern region of the Circinus constellation. Discovered in 1826 by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop it stands at a distance of 1192 parsecs from earth. (or about 3888 light years)Ā¹ This Star cluster is easily visible from the southern […]

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NGC 2158

Star clusters are large groups ofĀ starsĀ held together by the gravitational force they exert on themselves. There exist two main types of star clusters – globular clusters are tight groups of ten thousand to millions of old gravitationally bound stars, andĀ open clusters are groups of tens to a few thousand stars formed from the same molecular […]

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NGC 2808

NGC 2808 is an old age cluster in the southern constellation Carina. It is one of the largest star clusters in the Milky Way galaxy containing over a million stars across three separate generations of stars which were all born within 200 million years of the formation of the cluster. For NGC 2808 to contain […]

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NGC 5617

NGC 5617Ā    NGC 5617 is an intermediate age open star cluster that resides in the Centaurus constellation and shares a binary open cluster with Trumpler 22. NGC 5617 was discovered by James Dunlop on May 8th 1862. This cluster is situated south of the celestial equator, and is therefore more easily visible from the […]

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NGC 6025 – Caldwell 95

You can visit the Astromancer link here My chosen star cluster is NGC 6025, or otherwise known as its designation in the Caldwell catalogue – Caldwell 95. Amongst the Caldwell designation, there have been many other categorizations of this star from Collinder, Melotte, Lacaille III, and Dunlop. (Wiki, 2024) NGc 6025 is a intermediate open […]

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NGC 2112

NGC 2112, or Collinder 76, is an old open cluster in the Orion constellation. Since it is located near the celestial equator, it is partially visible from both hemispheres during certain times of the year. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1786. It is believed that NGC 2112 is one of the oldest open […]

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