NGC 2437

NGC 2437 is an open cluster in the Southern constellation of Puppis It’s thought to be about 300 million years old. Charles Messier discovered it in 1771, and it contains an estimated 500 stars with a total mass of 453 solar masses. To investigate and comprehend NGC 2437’s relationships between colours, brightness, and the age […]

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NGC 5897

NGC 5897 is a globular cluster it is located in the constellation Libra. It is located about 41000 light years away from us. It is not a messier Object and thus does not have a Messier Number. I first looked at NGC 5897 in an Astronomy class at the U of S. Me and another […]

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NGC 2251

INTRODUCTION NGC 2251 is an intermediate age open cluster located in the northern constellation of Camelopardalis. It was first discovered by William Herschel in 1786. The cluster has an estimated age of around 630 million years and is located at a distance of about 3,200 light-years from Earth. To study NGC 2251 and investigate its properties, […]

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IC 2714: “The Rip-Torn Cluster”

Introduction: Humanity was introduced to the Rip-Torn Cluster when it was first observed in 1826 by astronomer James Dunlop. It is called the Rip-Torn Cluster because of its torn-up appearance(O’Meara, 2013) and is more commonly known as IC 2714. The Cluster is located within the constellation Carina at Right Ascension: 11h17m29.5s and Declination: -62°43′08″. Due to its […]

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NGC 5024

NGC 5024 or also known as M53 is a globular cluster that is located in the Coma Berenices constellation. Coma Berenices is an ancient asterism in the northern sky which is defined as one of the 88 modern constellations. NGC 5024 is visible everywhere in the northern constellation except Antarctica. NGC 5024 was discovered by […]

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NGC 2479

NGC 2479 is an old-aged Open Cluster, which is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The cluster is located in Puppis Constellation. This cluster was discovered by William Herschel on 4th March 1970. The cluster is located 1,200 Parsecs away from Earth.  Background Information on Types of Clusters A Cluster can be either an open cluster […]

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NGC 5286(Caldwell 84)

The NGC 5286 is a 12.54-billion-year-old star discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in 1826 in Australia, the Centaurus constellation is home to the 7.6 magnitude cluster. It is located 51 degrees below the celestial equator and 13 hours to the right of the celestial longitude which technically aligns with the 0-degree longitude on earth. […]

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NGC 2423

NGC 2423 is an intermediate-age, open cluster located in the constellation Puppis. Open clusters contain thousands of stars all formed from the same giant molecular cloud at about the same time. In an effort to study open clusters and further understand their makeup as part of my FYRE assignment, this star cluster was chosen. Using […]

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NGC 5286

NGC 5286 is a very old globular cluster in the milky way galaxy, its estimated to be one of the oldest globular clusters with an age around 12.5 billion years old. It’s located around 36,000 light years away in the southern hemisphere in one of the largest constellations, Centaurus. It was discovered by Scottish astronomer […]

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