NGC 2270

INTRODUCTION AND REPRESENTATION NGC 2270 is an open cluster located in the constellation Unicorn [The genitive form of Monoceros, used in star names, is Monocerotis.], and was first identified by William Herschel, a German-British astronomer, in 1786. The cluster is estimated to be located around 1,400 parsecs (approximately 4,570 light-years) away from our solar system. […]

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NGC 2183

Intro NGC 2183 is a reflection nebula locate in the constellation Monoceros, discovered in 1850 by an Irish engineer named Bindon Stoney. It is located near the celestial equator and is visible from both hemispheres at certain times throughout the year, NGC 2183 has a B magnitude of 15.15 and can be seen through a telescope […]

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NGC 2129

  Ngc 2129 the open star cluster near the equator located in the gemini constellation it was discovered by William Hersche l in 1782. Located in the local spiral approximately 7200 lght years away. The cluster is relatively young with an estimated age of 10 million years. The cluster itself has a diameter of 10.4 […]

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NGC 4852

NGC 4852 is an open cluster which is located in Centaurus. NGC 4852 is not a long way from the Coalsack nebula which contains NGC 4755. From the recent photometric survey, NGC 4852 is estimated that it is about 200-250 million years old. The location of the NGC 4852 is estimated to be 1.1 kpcs […]

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NGC 2414: A Young Star Cluster

NGC 2414: A Young Star Cluster with Potential Planetary Formation Located 1.3 degrees southwest of the well-known open cluster luminaries M46 and M47, NGC 2414 is a young star cluster with a lot of potential for planetary formation research. When observing this object through a telescope, the first thing you’ll notice is a central bright […]

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NGC 3201

NGC 3201 (also known as Caldwell 79) is a low galactic latitude globular cluster in the southern constellation of Vela. It has a very low central concentration of stars. This cluster was discovered by James Dunlop on May 28, 1826 and listed in his 1827 catalogue. He described it as “a pretty large pretty bright round nebula, 4′ or 5′ diameter, very gradually condensed towards […]

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NGC 2818

NGC 2818 is an intermediate age open star cluster that is located in the southern constellation Pyxis (also known as The Compass). Within NGC 2818 lies a planetary nebula. Since open clusters usually disperse over hundreds of millions of years, it is very rare to find an open cluster that is actually old enough for […]

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NGC 2112

NGC 2112 A developing star cluster called NGC 2112 can be found in the constellation of Orion. About 70 stars make up the cluster, many of which are bright and blue in hue. It is thought to be about 100 million years ancient and was first found by William Herschel in 1784. Gaia measurements were […]

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