NGC 2808 and its Trifold Origins

NGC 2808 is a globular cluster in the southern Carina constellation. It is, depending on which part is measured, between 10.2-12.9 billion years old- but more on that later. It is one of the most massive globular clusters in our galaxy, being about 1 million times more massive than our sun. Having a magnitude of […]

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NGC 3532

Introduction NGC 3532 also known as The Wishing Well Cluster is an intermediate age cluster located in the southern constellation of Carina. Because it has an apparent magnitude of 3 which is the best target for the just small telescope to view in the southern sky from earth. However, it is not visible for Saskatoon […]

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NGC 4372 (Caldwell 108)

Introduction NGC 4372, which is also referred to as Caldwell 108, is an old globular cluster located in the southern constellation of Musca. It was discovered by James Dunlop on April 30, 1826, and cataloged as Dunlop 67. Positioned to the southwest of Gamma Muscae and the west of the southern extremity of the Dark […]

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NGC 1904

Star cluster NGC 1904, also known as Messier 79, is a relatively old globular cluster. It can be found in the southern constellation Lepus. NGC 1904 was discovered in 1780 by Pierre Méchain, a French astronomer that was known for studying deep sky objects and comets. It is believed that cluster NGC 1904 is not […]

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NGC 4755 – The Jewel Box Cluster

NGC 4755, also known as “The Jewel Box” cluster, is a young, open star cluster in the Constellation Crux located in the southern sky. NGC 4755 is approximately 6,440 lightyears from earth, with a Right Ascension of 12h53m39.499s and Declination of -60d22m15.6s. Its estimated age is approximately 14 million years and was originally discovered by Nicholas […]

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NGC 3677 – The Pearl Cluster

NGC 3677 is a relatively young open cluster in the Southern constellation Centaurus. First observed by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille between 1752-1752. NGC 3677 is often called ‘the pearl cluster’ coined by Ray Palmer in 2006 (Bakich, 2016). To determine the relationships of color, brightness, age, and metallicity with regard to NGC3677, 15 images were […]

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Star Cluster NGC 2571: A Intermediate Age Cluster in the Constellation Puppis

NGC 2571 is a fascinating intermediate age star cluster located in the northern constellation Puppis. It was first discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1793, and since then, it has been a subject of numerous studies and observations by astronomers.One of the studies on this star cluster was conducted in 2001 by researchers who determined […]

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