DD Hya and El Aps

The binary stars DD Hya and EL Aps are two pairs of stars that orbit around each other in space. DD Hya is located in the constellation of Hydra, The Water Monster., while EL Aps is found in the southern skies. This analysis gave us a piece of certain information about the star cluster such as […]

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NGC 2345

The universe, a vast expanse of space that is home to countless galaxies, stars, and celestial bodies, has always been a subject of fascination and curiosity. Among these celestial wonders is NGC 2345, a young open cluster located in the Southern hemisphere constellation of Canis Major. Stellar clusters stand as celestial laboratories, offering researchers a […]

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Messier 93

Messier 93 or M93, also known as NGC 2447, is a youthful open cluster ,with its its age estimated about 100 million years, it is situated within the southern constellation Puppis. This constellation finds its origin in the grand constellation of Argo Navis, which, due to its immense expanse, was divided into three sections, Puppis […]

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NGC 3293 is a young cluster in the southern celestial hemisphere in the Carina constellation. It was found by Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1751 and is around 8000 to 8400 lightyears distant from us. This cluster has about 100 stars that are brighter than the 14th magnitude. The majority of these stars are blue supergiants, […]

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NGC 2183

NGC 2183 (Reflection Nebula) is a HII Ionized region in the Monoceros constellation. NGC 2183 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, is at least partly visible from both hemispheres at certain times of the year. This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in […]

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NGC 2539

NGC 2539 is an intermediate age open cluster located in the northern part of the Puppis constellation that was discovered by William Herschel on January 31, 1785.  Out of all the hundreds of stars in the cluster there is estimated to be at least one triple system (Mermiliod and Mayor, 1989). I collected a total […]

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NGC 2335

NGC 2335 is an Open Cluster in the Monoceros constellation. Discovered on Jan 10, 1785, by William Herschel, it is situated close to the celestial equator, and, as such, is at least partly visible from both hemispheres at certain times of the year. NGC 2335 is also the gateway to the Seagull Nebula and is […]

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RY Col

RY Col also known as Ry Columbae is a star variable that’s located in the constellation of Columba. A variable star is a star whose brightness can be seen from Earth and over time variable star brightness can be changed. Variable stars can be classified into two categories intrinsic and extrinsic variables. The variable stars […]

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NGC 5925

NGC 5925 is an intermediate-age cluster in the Southern constellation Norma. It was discovered by John Louis in 1888. This open cluster is not studied as well as some other clusters around the galaxy which makes it a very unique cluster to observe and learn about. In recent study researchers from 2021 determined that NGC […]

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NGC 2421

NGC 2421 is a young open cluster in the Puppis constellation. NGC 2421 is located close to the celestial equator which makes it somewhat visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year. This cluster was first studied by Moffat and Cogt in 1975 and presumed to have a distance of approximately 1.87 kpc. […]

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