NGC 4609 | An Open Cluster in Crux

Introduction NGC4609, alternatively recognized as Caldwell 98, is a young open cluster within the southern constellation of Crux – a cross-shaped asterism often referred to as the Southern Cross. A fascinating fact about the Crux constellation is that it is widely used as a national and distinctive symbol in many countries (Wikipedia contributors, 2024). Figure […]

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NGC 2439 | Astr 113

NGC 2439 is a young, open cluster of 824 stars in the Southern constellation Puppis. It was catalogued by Per Collinder in 1931 and has unusually low extinction leading some to argue that the cluster doesn’t exist at all Kaltcheva 2001. In order to study NGC 2439 I collected 15 images using the Prompt6 telescope, […]

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NGC 3532 cluster analysis

NGC 3532, also known as the Wishing Well Cluster, is an open cluster situated in the southern hemisphere. It is located in the constellation Carina approximately 405 parsecs from Earth (Robichon et al., 2005). It is classified as an intermediate age cluster with an age of 300 Myr (Fritzewski et al., 2021). Concerning its history […]

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Open Cluster: NGC 4103

NGC 4103 is a young open cluster in the Southern constellation of Crux and was discovered by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in the year 1826. The cluster is estimated to contain 421 members within its 12.1-15.9 parsec radius, with only 199 being in the central part of the cluster. The cluster is not heavily […]

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NGC 4349

NGC 4349 is an intermediately aged open cluster that is located approximately 7000 light years away from Earth. This open cluster is found in a Southern constellation named Crux and was discovered by Scottish astronomer James DunlopĀ in 1826. This cluster is known to be significantly more visible when viewed from the southern hemisphere, which helped […]

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NGC 2414

NGC 2414 a young cluster approximately 9.5 million years old, is located in the southern constellation Puppis. This cluster was discovered by William Herschel in 1875 using a telescope measuring 47.5 cm. NGC 2414 is situated 1.3 degrees southwest of the well-known open cluster luminaries M46 and M47. To analyze NGC 2414 and investigate the […]

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NGC 4833

NGC 4833 NGC 4833 is an old globular cluster located in the southern constellation Musca. It was discovered in 1751-1752 by the French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille during his two-year journey to South Africa. NGC 4833 is one of the oldest clusters known in the Milky Way. Its age is estimated to be around 12.54 […]

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NGC 4103

NGC 4103 is a young age cluster in the Southern constellation Crux that was discovered in 1826 by James Dunlop. There are 421 probable member stars within the cluster’s angular radius, with 199 within the central part of the cluster. One member of the cluster had been identified as a Be star, which is a […]

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NGC 2516: The Southern Beehive

Many star clusters observable with the naked eye rest in the sky today. One such open cluster idling south of the celestial equator is NGC 2516. The young age cluster NGC 2516 can be found within the Southern Hemisphere’s Carina constellation. Originally discovered by the 1751 French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de LacailleĀ while on the African Cape […]

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NGC 2323 (Messier 50)

Introduction NGC 2323 is a intermediate age, open star cluster that is estimated to be around 1.4×10^8 years old. This star cluster, also known as Messier 50 was first documented by G. D. Cassini a year before it was formerly named and discovered by Charles Messier in 1772. NGC 2323 has a unique shape that […]

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