NGC 3680 Cluster

NGC 3680 is an intermediate age, open cluster located in the Southern constellation Centaurus. It was first discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in 1826 and is estimated to be over 1.2 billion years old. Interestingly, the NGC 3680 star cluster was classified as containing less than 50 stars, yet the number of stars making […]

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Open Cluster: NGC 4103

NGC 4103 is a young open cluster in the Southern constellation of Crux and was discovered by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in the year 1826. The cluster is estimated to contain 421 members within its 12.1-15.9 parsec radius, with only 199 being in the central part of the cluster. The cluster is not heavily […]

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NGC 4833

NGC 4833 NGC 4833 is an old globular cluster located in the southern constellation Musca. It was discovered in 1751-1752 by the French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille during his two-year journey to South Africa. NGC 4833 is one of the oldest clusters known in the Milky Way. Its age is estimated to be around 12.54 […]

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NGC 4103

NGC 4103 is a young age cluster in the Southern constellation Crux that was discovered in 1826 by James Dunlop. There are 421 probable member stars within the cluster’s angular radius, with 199 within the central part of the cluster. One member of the cluster had been identified as a Be star, which is a […]

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NGC 2281

NGC 2281 is a young open star cluster nestled in the Northern constellation of Auriga. This cluster was first documented by William Herschel in 1788. With its intriguing characteristics and proximity, NGC 2281 has become a point of interest for astronomers seeking to study stellar evolution and cluster dynamics. In a recent study submitted on […]

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