NGC 2516: The Southern Beehive

Many star clusters observable with the naked eye rest in the sky today. One such open cluster idling south of the celestial equator is NGC 2516. The young age cluster NGC 2516 can be found within the Southern Hemisphere’s Carina constellation. Originally discovered by the 1751 French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille while on the African Cape […]

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NGC3766 is also known as the Peral Cluster. It is an open cluster that is roughly 2.2 kpc away from earth, located in the southern constellation Centaurus. From the Universitry of Saskatchewan, it is not observable, because it lies too far wouth and thus never rises above the horizon. NGC3766 is estimated to be 14.4 million […]

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NGC 2477

NGC 2477 is an intermediate open cluster located in the Southern constellation Puppis. However, because of it’s compact and spherical shape it can be easily mistaken for a globular cluster. Another interesting fact about the shape of NGC 2477 is that it is often thought to resemble an electric guitar and is even sometimes identified […]

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NGC 2323 (Messier 50)

Introduction NGC 2323 is a intermediate age, open star cluster that is estimated to be around 1.4×10^8 years old. This star cluster, also known as Messier 50 was first documented by G. D. Cassini a year before it was formerly named and discovered by Charles Messier in 1772. NGC 2323 has a unique shape that […]

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NGC 5024

By Ghanim Jamil ghj729   Globular clusters are studied by astronomers to gain a better understanding of the galaxy they reside in, and in general estimate the age of the universe. This blog is about the globular cluster NGC 5024, also known as Messier 53. This cluster was discovered in 1775, February 3rd by a […]

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IC2395 is one of the youngest and brightest open clusters in our galaxy, and is located in the southern constellation of Vela. IC2395 is thought to be around 50 million years old and about 500 light-years from Earth. Its discovery is accredited to French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille who is said to observed it first […]

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Caldwell 88 (NGC 5823)

Introduction Caldwell 88, or NGC 5823, is located in the southern constellation of Circinus, in the edge of the border with the constellation Lupus. It is an intermediate open star cluster that is not currently visible in north Saskatchewan, since it lies so far south it never crosses the horizon. Background The cluster was first […]

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