NGC 4609 | An Open Cluster in Crux

Introduction NGC4609, alternatively recognized as Caldwell 98, is a young open cluster within the southern constellation of Crux – a cross-shaped asterism often referred to as the Southern Cross. A fascinating fact about the Crux constellation is that it is widely used as a national and distinctive symbol in many countries (Wikipedia contributors, 2024). Figure […]

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NGC 4103

NGC 4103 is a young age cluster in the Southern constellation Crux that was discovered in 1826 by James Dunlop. There are 421 probable member stars within the cluster’s angular radius, with 199 within the central part of the cluster. One member of the cluster had been identified as a Be star, which is a […]

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NGC 4755 – The Jewel Box Cluster

NGC 4755, also known as “The Jewel Box” cluster, is a young, open star cluster in the Constellation Crux located in the southern sky. NGC 4755 is approximately 6,440 lightyears from earth, with a Right Ascension of 12h53m39.499s and Declination of -60d22m15.6s. Its estimated age is approximately 14 million years and was originally discovered by Nicholas […]

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