On Thursday November 6th the University of Saskatchewan along with 13 other Canadian Universities hosted a Long Night Against Procrastination event. This is a national event spear headed by the Canadian Writing Centres Association. https://cwcaaccr.wordpress.com/2014/11/03/nationwide-long-night-against-procrastination-this-thursday-lnap14/ and lead locally by Liv Marken from ULC. This was the first year that the University of Saskatchewan participated and it turned out to be a great success.
From 10pm until 6am on November 7th the following activities were lead by ULC staff and peer mentors:
- Drop-in writing help area
- Math and stats help area
- Individual or group study areas
- Exam preparation help
- Study techniques
- Yoga and meditation room
- Midnight group walk
- Therapy Dogs
- Free snacks and beverages
- Giveaways and hourly prizes
Although the ground floor is open regularly for safe study until 1am, head counts for this particular evening were well above normal and the services well used. At one point the Therapy Dog even helped to keep everyone awake with some skate boarding entertainment.
LNAP 2014 was sponsored by the USSU, the University Learning Centre, the University Library, U of S Peer Health Mentors, Student Crew (including SafeWalk), Campus Recreation, St. John Ambulance, and U of S Consumer Services. The event was run in conjunction with the USSU’s Mental Health Awareness Week events.
What a wonderful idea & good news that it was such a success!