November, UASC?

November is, of course, a month of remembrance — and so, it is appropriate that this was the month selected for the installation of Patrick Hayes’ Link Exhibition on the Great War. The display has a degree of interactivity, with QR codes directing viewers to certain pages on the Great War site for further information.

We are also running a draw for the high-quality reproduction of a trench map displayed near Murray 154. If you would like to enter, like the post pinned to the top of our Facebook page. The draw will occur in January, when the display is being taken down.

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Edmund Oliver’s Trench Map for draw

Patrick’s display has garnered some media attention, with the Saskatoon Star Phoenix running an article on the letters of Nursing Sister Brock, featured in the exhibit.

Our autumnal mini-display was replaced with 349 poppies around Remembrance Day — one for every member of the University community who served during the First World War. This display was, in turn, replaced with a mini-exhibit on Truth and Reconciliation, which will be shown in the cases on the ground floor next to Starbucks and room 301 through January.

Also this month:

  • I put together a little post on the importance of collecting Queer-negative literature in a collection like the Neil Richards Collection for Sexual and Gender Diversity.
  • A great deal of archival material was featured in The Sheaf’s Throwback Issue thanks to the hardworking gals on staff there who were willing to come into the archives and do some digging. You can see some of their throwback materials at The Sheaf website.
  • Material from our collection was featured recently (actually September) in the documentary Al Purdy Was Here, directed by Brian Johnson. To view the trailer from the Toronto International Film Festival, go here.

And last, but definitely not least, we were thrilled to welcome Beth Richert back to our ranks in November–looking forward to having her around!

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