March at the Science Library

Out and about?  Want to learn a little something?  Come visit us at the Science Library to check out our newest display, History2016 Computers of Computers on Campus.  This display has initiated many conversations between staff and faculty on the differences of computing both in the library (GEAC for those in the know) and around campus in general (line-ups, mess-ups and noise from the punch-card programming computers). Check it out and then share your story about learning, floundering and flourishing with computers on campus!

Along with displays, the Science Library has been running a “Respect Your Space” initiative focusing on gum.

The SUntitled2cience Library is the sole U of S Library branch free of the noise, odours and mess associated with consuming food within its walls. Many students have expressed their appreciation for the policy, but with the temptation of Tim Horton’s just up the stairs from our main entrance, keeping the library a food-free haven has been a challenging task. Signs on every doorway and study surface didn’t seem to be effective, so staff came up with the Respect Your Space Campaign, summarized by this bookmark.

The beauty of the bookmark, besides its creative design, is that it doesn’t require uncomfortable interaction between staff and student. Rather than standing over the miscreant and offering a stern lecture, we can simply hand over the bookmark with a quick “Here is some information about food in the library.”

Recently the Science Library initiated the Anti-gum Phase of the Respect Your Space Campaign. Random gum sheetchecks under the study tables suggest we are having success.


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