As summer speeds along with hot days, warm evenings and the ever present threat of thunderstorms, a new game has people wandering around our beautiful campus.
Pokémon Go
This interactive game that everyone has probably heard of (but might not know a lot about) has been downloaded millions of times, and has the world out and about finding Pokestops, Gyms, and of course, Pokémon. There are several Pokestops scattered around campus, including one at the T-Rex just outside of our library doors. What, you may ask, is a Pokestop? A Pokestop is a designated place, usually around buildings, artifacts, art pieces and areas of interest that attracts Pokémon, and allows you to spin the photo attributed to the stop to get items to help you in the game. You can also put a “lure” at a Pokestop to attract even more Pokémon, and that is generally when you see large groups of people converging at one stop, much like our T-Rex. There are many notable stops on campus, including the Lesya Ukrainka Statue just outside of Murray Library’s doors.
Pokemon Players Playing Pokemon
As for the Science Library, we are all hard at work with summer projects and preparing for the new term, which is quickly coming upon us. In the works are a couple of handouts for the students new to our branch, and cleaned up signage throughout the library. We have also recently completed the duplicates project and those items involved will be out for people to take home with them for a few more weeks.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!