Reconciliation at the Education & Music Library


This post is long overdue! In January, the Education & Music Library began its first of three exhibits in response to The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #62: to create “age-appropriate curriculum on residential schools, treaties, and aboriginal peoples’ historical and contemporary contributions to Canada.” The exhibit entitled Responding with Heart: Residential Schools highlighted resources for elementary and secondary classrooms.

This exhibit coincided with a new 400 level class offered by the College of Education that focuses on education for reconciliation. The class visited our display early in the term and then held their final class celebration in our branch. As the class presented their final projects, it was wonderful to learn and to share ideas about reconciliation with them. It was also encouraging to see our students interacting with our resources on display. Here are some pictures from that event.



In addition to the display, we now have a research guide that highlights resources for K-12 pre-service teachers, including a section on lesson plans relating to this important topic.

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