Double Sadness Day in Murray

Today is a very sad day in Murray, as we are losing not one, but TWO of our staff members. Megan R. begins her new job in the Health Sciences Library June 1st, and Laura H. also begins her new job in the Law Library on the same day. Although they aren’t going very far, it will still be a big change, and we’ll miss seeing them every day.

To have some fun and say good-bye, the Murray staff members decided to surprise Megan and Laura on their last Murray day with desk decorations! Each desk was lovingly decorated with balloons, streamers, pink flamingos, candy, and of course, cat memes! Many people came together to contribute a little something to the decorations. Brittany even took the time to create works of art incorporating their faces with the things that they love. Megan was transformed into a Blue Jays baseball player, and Laura was transformed into a cat.

Good-bye Megan. Good-bye Laura. We’ll miss you very much. We hope you find many excuses to drop by room 122 and visit your old coworkers. Good luck with your new jobs!

Megan’s desk

Megan walking in and seeing her desk first thing in the morning.

Laura’s desk

Surprised Laura posing with her decorated desk.

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