December, UASC?


The traditional Charlie Brown Paperclip Tree hopes everyone had a happy holidays!

December was a month  of experimenting with social media for UASC.

We began a Twitter account which you can follow  @sask_uasc,

and a Facebook page ,

and a blog.

We are hoping to use Facebook and Twitter to share some of the interesting things that happen here on a day-to-day basis, or interesting finds that turn up in the course of our work. The blog, on the other hand, will be more article centered (though still not overly formal), highlighting aspects of our holdings and our work–and hopefully featuring guest authors!

If you have any ideas for things you’d like to see us do (or not do) let us know!

In the meantime, an archives and special collections Twelve Days of Christmas  (was tempted to record myself singing it, but decided I’d spare everyone).

In other news, a copy of The Book of Remembrance, which features short biographies of all of the soldiers from Saskatoon and the U of S who died in the First World War, was accepted into the Special Collections holdings by Dean Vicki Williamson on December 10th. You can learn more about the book here.


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