7:50 am: Serials staff arrives with chocolate and other goodies to bait the dog-captor.
7:53 am: Katelyn walks to the newspaper chute on the ground floor to gather the papers only to find one homesick and frightened Winston waiting for her! He looked a little different than last time she saw him. From what we can gather from his new attire, the dog-napper has a terrible sense of fashion- pink bunny ears and a camo-backpack? And inside that backpack were some suspicious looking “mini eggs” (cough cough POISONED!! cough cough). What kind of sick person could do such a thing to an unwitting dog? And to toss Winston aside into a newspaper bin like some kind of Dickensian orphan?
7:55 am: Katelyn rushes Winston up to Serials to reunite him with his Serials family. All are relieved to have him home- but there is still an unease in the air as the “whodunit” question remains unanswered. And besides that, there is still no sign of the firefighter outfit he wore when he was taken. This brings up some other possible character sketches of our dog-thief. Serials staff is currently on the lookout for a suspicious person who is around 10 inches tall with a black plastic firefighting hat and tiny red vinyl shorts. If you see such a person, contact the Serials Crime-Tips Hotline at 1-800-DOG-NAPP
8:57 am: Amy and Gail receive a suspicious letter in the mail; inside are two photos of Winston in an Easter candy isle, and with a new-found lady friend.
Stay tuned for updates as this story develops!
12:40 pm: Fern arrives in Serials with a chocolate dog in tow. Christine suspects that the chocolate dog looks familiar.
We check one of the photos that arrived in the mail earlier this morning:
A-ha! It seems that this chocolate bunny was purchased from the same store that Winston was in! It is a pretty strange coincidence that Fern would give us the same chocolate dog!
‘Fess up, whoever you are!
Besides the obvious emotional trauma and scarring poor Winston has been through, this has been the best day.
This is the best thing ever
Come on up for some snacks Stevie!
Look, Karen C. what happens in the Serial side when the boss is away….
This is the most exciting crime mystery that’s ever happened on the 6th floor!!