You may remember the original Murray Sticks post – when we first introduced you to the Murray librarians and staff. Well, things have changed since then. We’ve sadly said good-bye to Alison who went off to be the Director of the Theological Union Libraries, and to Diana, who’s retired. Two of our librarians, Chris and Deborah, are off in Sabbatical-Land for the year.
But we’re also very happy to welcome two new employees to Murray. Jessica is our new Data and GIS librarian. (Yay!! We haven’t had a non-casual librarian in those areas since January 2013!) And Kelly is our new staff member who will be taking Lisa’s old position, working nights and weekends in circulation. Lisa will now be working both reference and circulation.
A big welcome to Jessica and Kelly! Study their images below carefully, so that you can say hello to them when you see them in person. 🙂