Spring is in the air and challenged books are everywhere!
Author Archives: rmp765
Another Orientation Season Over
Another successful orientation season has come to a close. Thank you to everyone who volunteered for our activities. Your help was invaluable and we could not have done it without you!
Here is a quick breakdown of our major orientation events for your reading pleasure.
Library Passport Tours:
The winner of our Library Passport Tour was Taeyeoun K., she won a $100 gift certificate to Shop usask.
We had 6 staff volunteers take the students around on a walking tour of all libraries on campus, including The Shannon Library at STM. We offered a total of 6 walking tours and 9 students took the tour. We made a total of 365 passports and of that, 249 passports where taken by students and 31 completed passports were turned in.
Orientation Day:
We had well over 200 students come to our library table to talk to us and find out how we can support them during their academic career. We handed out a total of 192 library branded tumblers to students. 10 staff volunteered to do roving and be a friendly face for students trying to navigate their first week on campus. We also had 7 staff volunteers taking shifts at the orientation table welcoming students to the University Library.
Murray Library Tours:
The Murray Library offered 28 tours combining tours of the physical space and an overview of the library’s website. 40 students attended the tours hosted by 6 staff volunteers. The tours highlight library spaces and services.
A special Thank-You to all our volunteers!
Amy Putnam
Amy St.-Jacques
Candice Dahl
Cathy Grant
Chalyse Lalonde
Gina Koehn
Heather Acton
Jo Ann Murphy
Justina Datta
Kate Langrell
Kelly Juliusson
Lara O’Grady
Laura Harris
Lexi Whitter
Rachel Hildebrandt
Ron Peters
Shannon Lucky
Shelby Sluth
Susan Murphy
Tina Leckie
Work Green Champion Bringing ‘it’ to Law
In May our fantastic, remarkable, incredible, astonishing, wonderful, marvellous and miraculous Work Green Champion applied for the Office of Sustainability Work Green Grant for our location. Small grants of up to $300 are available to help Work Green units invest in the adoption of greener practices (e.g., the purchase of reusable dishes and cutlery).*
Look at our loot!!!!!
*plariagized from the Office of Sustainability site.
Happy Holidays 2015!!!
Ode to St. Patrick’s Day…..Law style
Freedom to Read Week 2015
Here’s a peek at the Law Library Freedom to Read Week 2015 display.
We choose to highlight challenged books that had legal action associated with them. On our book bands we included the province, reason the book was challenged, the case name and the citation of the case with the hopes that a curious law student would want to look up why the book was challenged in Canada.
We also had a print out of the Challenged Works List from the Freedom to Read website so students could see if their favourite book had been challenged.
Aboriginal Achievement Week at the Law Library
In collaboration with the Native Law Centre, the Law Library curated this display for Aboriginal Achievement Week. We are very proud of the display and the engagement it has stimulated with the community.
The display contains biographies of Aboriginal faculty in the College of Law and their publications, as well as a select few other Aboriginal faculty on campus who have published in the area of Aboriginal law. On the right hand side we have highlighted the Program of Legal Studies for Native People. The College of Law offers this program every summer for Aboriginal students from across Canada to prepare students for success in law school. To the left is a poster board with the schedule of events for Aboriginal Achievement Week (can anyone guess what the poster board is re-purposed from???) The Native Law Centre was also gracious enough to loan us some braids of sweet-grass for the display.
Look! People!
Disclaimer: Permission was obtained from those pictured.
Happy Holidays from the Law Library
Library Trivia WINNERS!
As part of Saskatchewan Library Week: October 19-25, Stories in the Bar was held this past Thursday, Oct 23rd at Amigos Cantina. It was a blast!! The bar was packed with eager library employees who showed the general public that we are not as stuffy as they are led to believe. The night started off in true form with story time, featuring the books The Book with no Pictures by B.J. Novak and The Story of the Little Mole Who Went in Search of Whodunit by Werner Holzwarth. These books were funny and imaginative. Lots of fun to listen to. The entertainment throughout the night was amazing; even leading to my non-library working friend (who thought the night would be lame) to say: They should have this every week!!!!
But now to the good stuff……….throughout the night between acts, library trivia was offered to the crowd. These questions started off easy enough: “What is a call number?”, but then ranged to:”What is a palimpsest?” Anyone know???
Our U of S library staff was not silent during this part of the night. I am pleased to announce that 3 library employees answered the questions correctly and walked away with a fabulous prize…………..an SPL discard!! WHOOT WHOOT!
Laurianne Jones (Collection Services) answered “What is a colophon?” and won: Ice Crash: Disaster in the Artic, 1928 by Alexander McKee
Amy Chillog answered (Collection Services) “What is a call number?” and won:Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century Edited by W.W. Mendell
Robin Parent (Law Library) answered “What is tattle-tape?” and won: Passionate Pleasures by Beatrice Small
Not too shabby I’d say….
Spooky things happening in the Law Library
Halloween approaches……………..Things go bump in the night……….The Law Library actually has a fun display???????
I know, wierd hey. But we decided that we needed to shake things up here at the Law Library. Our Halloween display of True Crime was set up October 20th for all to enjoy. Hope you like it too! Cause we sure do!!!