What’s up, UASC?

Not to be confused with What’s That, UASC? Nobody reads these for the pithy and creative titles, I hope.

So, what is new with us?

Well. . . we’ve been moving around furniture trying to make our space look more welcoming.  Instead of these scary grey cabinets by the front door: IMG_1082


we now have a freebie table / display cabinet (right now showing some food-relevant items such as old cookbooks, handwritten recipes, and ration stamps courtesy of curator Amy Chillog). Two other new cases have also been installed and will hopefully be used for more permanent display of art and artifacts held within the University Archives and Special Collections.








Amy also represented UASC at:

Cdnr8AiUUAA7xaK.jpg largeWe were given the opportunity to supplement the film showing with a small display of lesbian-related materials from the Neil Richards Collection of Gender and Sexual diversity.

For anyone interested in a similar film-related event, check out the Queer As Film Series at the Frances Morrison Central Library. A small sampling of Neil Richards’ queer film posters will also be available for viewing.

FAQueerAs03_16Another important development has been the completion of a linked resource through the Great War database which allows anyone searching the name of someone connected to the University of Saskatchewan who served during WWI to find everything we have within the archives on that person, as well as their records in provincial and federal memorial websites. Check it out at:  The Great War Database

Also over the past few weeks, Nancy from iPortal (and Truda also learning the ropes) have been scanning 5 volumes of the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED) [http://www.edo.ca/edo-tools/jaed] to add to the iPortal. The merging of iPortal and UASC is an important step in the digitization for use on the iPortal of this and other resources of value in the study of indigenous history and current aboriginal affairs.


Congrats to Murray’s Interlibrary Loans Unit!

The Murray Library Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery unit at the University Library recently completed the American Library Association/Reference & User Services Association STARS Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative’s Star Checklist. With a total score of 167 points, the University Library achieved 3-Star Status, which recognizes that we are engaged with 80% or more of the initiatives on the association’s internationally-recognized best-practices checklist for interlibrary loan and resource sharing and affirms that our library is keeping up with best practices in interlibrary loan and resource sharing. Congratulations to the staff in the Murray Library ILL/Document Delivery unit!4 women sitting on chairs and smiling.

Law students have a sense of humour

On the morning of Friday April 1st I was stopped in my tracks as I entered the Law Library. On the gates in front of me was an unexpected sign:

April Fools remove footwareI stared at the sign not really knowing what to think. I had a moment of panic, did I forget something major that was happening here this morning that called for the removal of shoes!? As inconspicuously as possible, I tiptoed into the Law Library to peek around the corner (yes, I still had my shoes on). I could see nothing to warrant the removal of my shoes. I started to relax as I obviously hadn’t forgotten any event. Maybe we were getting the carpets steam cleaned, but they would do that at night…maybe they steam cleaned the carpets last night and they still needed time to dry! YES! Finally our old carpet would be somewhat revitalized! A quick glance down at the carpet let me know that had NOT happened. As I crossed the floor to the staff area I noticed other signs hanging on the end of the carrels:

April fools 3L


3L = 3rd year law student




April fools 2L cropped



2L = 2nd year law student




I finally clued in to what was going on when I saw where the first year law students had been relegated – into the basement:

April fools 1L croppedApril Fools 1L

Before the Law Library opened, upper year law students had put the signs up as an April Fool’s prank on their fellow students, with the first years getting the worst of it. Yes, there was a number of them in the basement wondering why they had to study there on that day. And yes, some people even took their shoes off.

shoes off cropped





ER&L Conference 2016 (part 3)


ER&L Viewing Party [Image courtesy Jaclyn @superjax]

The online viewing party continued today, as library employees took part in day 2 of the ER&L 2016 Conference.

The candy bar made another appearance, much to the delight of all in attendance.

The sessions were also noteworthy and included the following:

Dismantle Your Electronic Resources Fund! Applying The Power of Faceted Classification to Materials Budget Management

Maximizing Management: Getting More Out of Your e-Resource Management Strategy

Alternative Avenues of Discovery: Competition or Potential

Is “E” for Everybody? Reorganizing to Fit E-Resources across Blended Departments

E-Data Quality: How Publishers and Libraries are Working Together to Improve Data Quality

Using the Scrum Project Management Methodology to Create a Comprehensive Collection Assessment Framework

ER&L Conference 2016 (part 1)

For the next 3 days (April 4-6), an engaged and lively group of library employees (14 at the last session) are hanging out in Murray Room 630.27, as we attend an online conference about Electronic Resources and Libraries: ER&L Conference 2016. Thank you to Ken Ladd and Jaclyn McLean for hosting, and thanks to Jaclyn for her fantastic facilitation.

Some of Monday’s sessions include:
Finding Time: From Industrial Mythology to Chronemic Literacy
Gender and Negotiation
Achieving the Holy Grail of Electronic Resource Management: Automated Holdings Feeds in a Knowledge Base
Assessing the User Experience of E-Books in Academic Libraries: Search, Usage, and Information Finding

Follow ER&L 2016 on Twitter using #erl16

If you have any questions or would like access to the recorded sessions, please contact Jaclyn.McLean@usask.ca.

Stay tuned for further information!

March at the Science Library

Out and about?  Want to learn a little something?  Come visit us at the Science Library to check out our newest display, History2016 Computers of Computers on Campus.  This display has initiated many conversations between staff and faculty on the differences of computing both in the library (GEAC for those in the know) and around campus in general (line-ups, mess-ups and noise from the punch-card programming computers). Check it out and then share your story about learning, floundering and flourishing with computers on campus!

Along with displays, the Science Library has been running a “Respect Your Space” initiative focusing on gum.

The SUntitled2cience Library is the sole U of S Library branch free of the noise, odours and mess associated with consuming food within its walls. Many students have expressed their appreciation for the policy, but with the temptation of Tim Horton’s just up the stairs from our main entrance, keeping the library a food-free haven has been a challenging task. Signs on every doorway and study surface didn’t seem to be effective, so staff came up with the Respect Your Space Campaign, summarized by this bookmark.

The beauty of the bookmark, besides its creative design, is that it doesn’t require uncomfortable interaction between staff and student. Rather than standing over the miscreant and offering a stern lecture, we can simply hand over the bookmark with a quick “Here is some information about food in the library.”

Recently the Science Library initiated the Anti-gum Phase of the Respect Your Space Campaign. Random gum sheetchecks under the study tables suggest we are having success.


New Material in UASC!


For any interested for personal research or reference purposes,  I’ve posted the latest archival materials processed at UASC over on our blog. Topics include: Saskatchewan writing and journalism, history of public libraries in Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan heritage, personal residential school histories, Northern indigenous affairs and art, art in Saskatchewan, Diefenbaker, the University of Saskatchewan, music, and education. If any of this strikes a chord, send us an e-mail for the full finding aid at ua.sc@usask.ca

Milne Wallpapers

UASC is excited to announce the addition of wallpapers and screensavers to our Courtney Milne website, created from his extensive collection of images. We have collected over 100 images across 11 different themes which have been made available in three different resolutions. You can download a zipped file containing a selection of different wallpapers based on the theme and either pick one image or you van set them up as a desktop slideshow. If you would like a refresher on how to do that, scroll to the bottom of this post.

Please click here to visit the page!

We are really excited to be able to share Courtney’s beautiful images with the public in this new and exciting way. We hope you find a new image that you haven’t seen before. Please take a look at the collection of wallpapers if you have the time and inclination. We would love to hear your feedback before we announce the wallpapers to the university-at-large, so please leave us your comments!

Here is a small selection of some of Amy’s favourite desktop images to give you a sneak peak as to what you will find in the wallpaper collection.

Here is a quick refresher on how to make your wallpaper a slideshow of images.

1. Download the set of images you want and hit “save file”. step1

2. Unzip the files into a location where you will find them again.

step2 step3
step4 step5

3. Right click on your desktop and go to Personalize.


4. Click the Wallpapers button near the bottom.


5. Click “browse” and go find the folder you saved you images to.


6. Check the boxes of all the images you would like and hit “save changes”. Voila!


You can even add images from different thematic collections if you like, as long as you save them all to the same folder.



UASC in the New Year


January was largely about preparing for a number of events we have upcoming as a part of our annual Saskatchewan Archives Week celebrations. On Sunday, Feb. 7, the team will be sitting a table at the Heritage Festival at the Western Development Museum from 12:00 to 5:00 pm. I will give you folks a little sneak peak of the “game” we’re handing out here:

Find Six Differences :



There will also be a Reader’s event at 7:00, Feb. 11th at the Roxy, where local celebrities will be reading excerpts from archival materials. Admission is free, so this is a great way to get out and engage with history, for anyone so inclined!

Ongoing also through February will be a series of films by Norman Christie on the First World War, taking place at the Broadway Theatre. For more information, go here.

On February 1st we saw the end of the Great War exhibition in the Link, and have been helping with the installation of a new display on educational textbooks (this one looks interesting, folks!). With the end of the Great War exhibit, we had the opportunity to draw for a life-sized copy of Edmund Oliver’s trench map, which went to Liv Marken of Student Learning Services.
