Mini Golf Upset – New Winners!

The fourth annual Murray Library Room 122 Mini Golf Tournament of Champions happened this weekend, and what an amazing event it was!

It was a beautiful day on the course, with sun shining, and barely a breath of wind. A perfect late-summer evening. But the evening would not continue to be perfect for Duane (Best Golfer title holder 3 years in a row) or for Amy (Worst Golpher title holder 3 years in a row). While Duane still managed the impressive feat of 3 holes-in-one, his quest for another championship title was lost once he hit the dreaded 15th hole “Level Up” and took a score of 5 (on a par 2!) And while Amy tried her best to retain her Worst Golpher title, her score was just too good on the front nine, and it allowed a new champion to squeak by to claim the prize.

The new 2017 Murray Library Annual Mini Golf Tournament Best Golfer with a score of 40 is:


And the new 2017 Murray Library Annual Mini Golf Tournament Worst Golpher, with a score of 59 is:


Congratulations to both of our first-time winners. Full scoreboard below.

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G3 Open for Business

After a long summer of primping and preening, room G3 in the Murray Library is ready to reveal its shiny new makeover! Starting Monday of next week the room will once again be available for booking through the intranet’s room booking page. Come on over and check it out!

Library visits Residence

On Tuesday, August 22nd, Lara (from Murray) and Michayla (summer student in SLS) attended the Residence Advisor Programs Fair in Sask Hall. The intent of this fair was for new RAs to be made aware of on- and off-campus partners who offer programs or services that they can use in their required student/outreach programming throughout the year. RAs can plan programs to bring partners into residence for specific needs or bring residence students out to existing programs. After visiting the Programs Fair, each RA is required to organize one or more programs or events with the partners who attended the fair, meaning that a guaranteed connection will be made with those students.

We had the opportunity to speak with the RAs about some of the library’s services that would be most valuable to students living in residence (SLS help centres and workshops, late night Safe Study, group study rooms, computers and printing in the library, Ask Us chat, etc.), as well as highlight specific library programming that they could attend, such as library tours and Smart Start. It was a great chance to speak directly with these student leaders, and to ensure that they are disseminating our information directly to their students. We are very excited that this new connection has been created with the Residence Department!

What’s up, UASC?

We’ve had a busy week over here at UASC. Our Diefenbaker flag collection has received a lot of media attention recently, due to Canada 150. Stevie and Amy, the go-to-girls for flag knowledge, got to do some fun stuff!

On Friday morning, Amy had a chat with Sheila Coles on the CBC’s Morning Edition, discussing some of the wacky flags, and how the U of S came to be in possession of them.

Then later that day, Radio Canada came to visit the archives and Stevie and Amy showed them some of the flags, and explained the history and context. You can view the news clip here, and read the article here.

But the fun didn’t stop there, oh no. Once you’re in the flag life, you are in it for good. This past weekend, Stevie, Amy, and their friend Kyle Markewich did two repeat performances of the short play, “The Great Flag Debate,” which was originally written and performed for Archives Week in February. The play uses quotes from real letters written by Canadians to Diefenbaker expressing their strong feelings either for or against the proposed flags. Hosted by the Western Development Museum as a part of their “Fun With Flags” programming, it was a great time, and an awesome way to celebrate Canada 150. Featured here is Stevie as Mr. Diefenbaker, Kyle as our chorus/director, and Amy as Pearson.Since our last edition of “What’s up, UASC” we have also welcomed Danielle Bitz to our unit. We are so happy to have her here with us, she makes a great addition to the team.

We are also welcoming Craig back into the fold, as he steps into Tim’s position as Head while Tim is away on sabbatical.

Work Green Champion Bringing ‘it’ to Law

In May our fantastic, remarkable, incredible, astonishing, wonderful, marvellous and miraculous Work Green Champion applied for the Office of Sustainability Work Green Grant for our location.  Small grants of up to $300 are available to help Work Green units invest in the adoption of greener practices (e.g., the purchase of reusable dishes and cutlery).*

 Look at our loot!!!!!

*plariagized from the Office of Sustainability site.

Eva’s Retirement

The speeches have already been said, so there’s no need to repeat them here. We all know how amazing Eva is. But it’s hard to believe that this day would ever come, even though it really has. Today is Eva’s last day of work before her well-deserved retirement.

Eva’s coworkers in room 122 couldn’t let her leave without planning a little surprise for her. And in grand library tradition, we celebrated with food. We ordered a build-your-own taco buffet from Quesada, and it was a hit!

While none of us have the rapping skills that the 6th floor staff demonstrated at Fern’s recent retirement, we are blessed with a staff member who is pretty amazing with Photoshop. Some of you may not be aware of this, but Eva loves to talk about the movie Ladyhawke. Apparently it was quite the hit with her kids back in the 1980s, and the Wong family watched it frequently over the years. The tragic story of star-crossed lovers Michelle Pfeiffer (who is a hawk during the day and a woman at night) and Rutger Hauer (who is a man during the day and a wolf at night) is apparently quite relevant to the daily work of the Murray Library, since Eva somehow manages to bring it up all the time. So we knew that her retirement party had to have a LADYHAWKE theme! The image you see below is the classic movie poster, with Eva’s face in the place of young Michelle Pfeiffer’s. Quite the resemblance, isn’t it?

Eva quite enjoyed her movie poster surprise.

And because nothing goes better with tacos and 80s movies than cake with faces on it, we also had a cake made with the Eva/Ladyhawke poster on it. (For some reason, no one wanted to eat the piece that had Eva’s face on it though.)

Eva, we will miss you more than you can imagine. We’re sad to see you leave us, but extremely happy to know that you will enjoy your well-deserved retirement after a long and successful career in the library. We hope that you and Jimmy enjoy your yardwork, your fabulous vacations, and more time with kids and grandkids. Just don’t forget to invite us all to that Ladyhawke viewing party, okay? We were serious when we said that there should be one.

Lots of love, from your coworkers.

Celebrating Pride in the Library!

In honour of the Saskatoon Pride Festival, the Education & Music Library has created a display to highlight LGBTQ materials for children and young adults. A big thank-you to Beth (Science) who came up with the “Pride in the Library” slogan.



Here is a list of the books on display.  Click on each title to see a review of the resource:

And Tango Makes Three

Donovan’s Big Day

10,000 Dresses

Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out

I’ll Give You The Sun

This Day In June

The Letter Q: Queer Writers’ Notes to their Younger Selves

Stop by to check out our display, and I hope you are able to get out and enjoy some of the Saskatoon Pride events happening this month.


Reconciliation at the Education & Music Library



This post is long overdue! In January, the Education & Music Library began its first of three exhibits in response to The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #62: to create “age-appropriate curriculum on residential schools, treaties, and aboriginal peoples’ historical and contemporary contributions to Canada.” The exhibit entitled Responding with Heart: Residential Schools highlighted resources for elementary and secondary classrooms.

This exhibit coincided with a new 400 level class offered by the College of Education that focuses on education for reconciliation. The class visited our display early in the term and then held their final class celebration in our branch. As the class presented their final projects, it was wonderful to learn and to share ideas about reconciliation with them. It was also encouraging to see our students interacting with our resources on display. Here are some pictures from that event.



In addition to the display, we now have a research guide that highlights resources for K-12 pre-service teachers, including a section on lesson plans relating to this important topic.

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High Tea


With a party organizer on our team like Megan Johnson can you doubt it? Yes, we had High Tea at the Science library – in celebration of Jill Crawley-Low’s birthday. Originally we planned for her actual birthday, sent our almost engraved invites and everything…then Brenda pointed out that though her calendar said she would be at the staff meeting (our cover story), Jill was actually going to be beaching it in Hawaii. Oops.

Plan B. The next staff meeting, when Jill was back. Heather loaned tablecloths, teacups and plates, Beth brought a tea service, Megan and Steven and Brenda and DeDe and Li brought the food. Lexi did the centerpiece. DeDe was to corral Jill in her office while we set up. We should have added the precaution of locking the kitchen door. Bunnies in the headlights. Dead silence. Jill deciding she should be in her office. Close the door.

She was soooo surprised when we asked her in fifteen minutes later. We had a wonderful time. And we are still munching the muchness of the moreish edible delights.