New Furniture and Renovations in Murray

The Murray Library is currently undergoing renovations to some of its public spaces. Here’s what’s been happening lately.

Ground Floor

The large brown sofas with the high red backs have been taken out and replaced with new individual armchairs and tables. Other furniture was also taken out and will be redeployed throughout the library. The new chairs on the ground floor are lighter and easier to clean (and clean around!) than the old ones. And there is now more seating than ever available for students on the ground floor.

Old ground floor seating

New ground floor seating near Starbucks

New ground floor furniture along west wall

6th Floor

A capital project to refresh the area on the 6th floor near the staff offices is also currently in process. On May 17th, staff from Materials Handling came by to remove the three large tables. You may have heard some loud banging throughout the building on that day! They had to use a sledgehammer to bend over the metal table legs so that the tables would fit into the elevator.

old 6th floor layout and furniture

Years of old gum under the old table on the 6th floor

FMD staff taking away the old tables after sledgehammering the legs down

Most of the furniture from this space on the sixth floor will be going to surplus or to the recycling bin, but the six grey easy chairs and the stacking black chairs will be kept and used elsewhere in the Murray library.

Now that the old furniture has been taken away, some renovations to the space will occur over the summer. New furniture has been selected, which includes powered study tables for laptop docking and two soft seating areas. Carpet will also be laid, which will help to reduce noise. We hope to have this project completed by the end of the summer, but in the meantime there will be reduced seating.

Barbara Biggs Retires

Barbara Biggs Retires

On April 28, we said farewell to Barbara Biggs, who retired after 37 years of service to the University Libraries. The staff at the Vet Med Library had a lovely retirement luncheon for her.  We will miss the enthusiastic charm, warmth, and love she displayed to all of her colleagues, faculty, staff and students.

As Barbara retires, she will await the arrival of the first two grandchildren to her family in the fall. Barbara plans to create beautiful scrapbooks for each of the babies, and is glad to have the time to be there for these special moments.  Barbara and her husband look forward to doing a bit of travelling, and in her own words, is looking forward to reading a good book on a rainy or snowy day.

Thank you Barbara for 37 awesome years!

ReconciliAction Book Club

The first Book Club will feature the Saskatchewan Library Association’s  March One Book, One Province program selection, The Education of Augie Merasty.  The Book Club discussion will take place with two offerings being given, one on Tuesday, May 23rd and the second on Wednesday, May 24th , right after the long weekend, from 11:45 until 1:15 (for CUPE employees, the 90 minute session includes your 30 minute lunch break), in Room 102.

This particular book is quite short (less than 100 pages) so it will not take long to read.  We have several copies available in our collection; it should not be a problem to obtain a copy.  If you haven’t already read the book, please ensure if you sign one out that you return it as quickly as possible for those who may also require a library copy to read.  This book can also be purchased in local bookstores.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who has already read, or is interested in reading this important recollection of residential school life, with learning and understanding being strengthened through discussion.

To register, please choose one of two signup dates:

May 23rd: The Education of Augie Merasty First Offering

May 24th: The Education of Augie Merasty, Second Offering

What’s Up, UASC?

A long overdue post from the Archives and Special Collections! The following link will take you to a list of some of the most recent collections to be processed by our Unit. Note that this list is not comprehensive, but is meant to give a taste of some of the materials we are currently collecting. Our hope is that this list will prove useful for anyone fielding reference questions within the library system, as it will give some fresh ideas on what primary resources are available.

What’s that, UASC? 

Claim to Fame

Our tractor fender has been getting a lot of press lately!

In February, we received an inquiry from Utah that led to a mention of this famous holograph (handwritten) will in a blog:

The fender surfaced again a few weeks ago on the Canadian Association of Law Libraries ListServ. Greg followed up a post by the law librarian at the Western University Law Library with our new-and-improved photo and some additional details.

We get several visitors to our library each year who come to see this famous holograph will. Check out this short account of the case from The Lawyers Weekly:
“A dying man’s short will has a long history.”

If you zoom in on the photo you can make out the words scratched into the paint. Shout out to Robin for taking a great photo!Holograph will written on tractor fender at the Law Library

Another in a Long Tradition of Poorly-Drawn Stick People

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over 3 years since we first posted our Murray Sticks picture. (Hard to believe, because somehow the image is still sitting on my desk. Someone help me clean up please!) There have been a lot of changes to the Murray Library’s staff complement, and there are more changes that will be coming in the summer, with a few impending retirements! So here they are, the employees who currently call Murray 122 home:

Completely accurate representations of real people.

It may seem like there are a lot of us, but if I consult older stick images, there are currently two less librarians than in past versions (not including sabbaticals), two less supervisors, one more operations manager, one extra Aboriginal intern, and four more freeloaders using up all the good offices. 😉

1st version – March 2014

2nd version – August 2014

March out Racism

Feedback and reflections on the #marchoutracism display in the Education & Music Library

March 21st was designated by the United Nations (UN) as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. As part of this day, the Education & Music Library participated in a provincial campaign on the theme “Show Racism the Door”. We used a resource kit provided by the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan to decorate the entrance to the library during the month of March. We also collected feedback and reflections on the subject from library visitors.

The March 21 Campaign was initiated to heighten awareness of the harmful effects of racism on a national scale and to clearly demonstrate the commitment and leadership of the Government of Canada to foster respect, equality and diversity. It is a day observed worldwide to focus attention on the problems of racism and to promote racial harmony. For more information visit:

Spring Again

Spring has come, (I promise!)  And with its arrival come two new displays at Science! The first, made possible by the talented Beth, focuses on Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).  The second, organized by Megan, gives tips and tricks and laughs for studying and help available on campus – just in time for exams.  Come by to check them out!

In other news, we have gained a new staff member in the form of Steven Kabernack, and said farewell to Glenda Goertzen.  Also joining our team as the joint supervisor for Science and Engineering is Brenda Butler.  We look forward to working together!

Science displays aren’t the only things being curated by Science staff.  Jill Crawley-Low has curated the latest exhibit in the Link at Murray Library, highlighting The History of Veterinary Literature: The Dr. Jack Rosen Veterinary Medicine History Collection.  The oldest book in Dr. Rosen’s collection dates back to 1528, titled Libri de re rustica (The Book of Country Life). The exhibit will run until May 2017.