To feel the meaning of what one is doing, and to rejoice in that meaning: to     unite in one concurrent fact the unfolding of the inner life and the ordered development of material conditions-that is art. (Dewey, 1907/1977, p. 292)


The role of the artist throughout history has been often defined as ‘visionary’, a medium of sorts, capable of bringing to life the spaces which are rarely seen and experienced. An artists’ ability to capture essences of worlds unknown, to connect or make visible the invisible realities, to captivate and inspire methods of activism has granted many individuals the opportunity to live a life filled with possibilities unimagined. The same can be said about educators. Both artists and educators exist in systems of analysis; systems that require active observation and engage in processes that seek to provide transformative possibilities. Our role as educators is to inspire greater meaning-making. We are to be visionaries and in turn, create visionaries, in hopes that future generations to look at alternate possibilities in how they choose to define their role on this planet. We are in a time of profound crisis and we are the leaders our students will be looking to for guidance as we explore, map and charter the future of all species. 

In her executive summary Holly Ogden (2011) states,

Experiences in the arts offer many intrinsic and extrinsic benefits to elementary children. Intrinsic benefits include opportunities to develop creativity and imagination and to experience joy, beauty and wonder. The arts also present occasions to make the ordinary special, to enrich the quality of our lives and to develop effective ways of expressing thoughts, knowledge and feelings. There is also evidence of extrinsic benefits, as learning in, about, and through the arts contributes to increased engagement in learning in other subject areas, and to the development of students' self-confidence, social skills and metacognition. 

Learning in the Arts: learning the technique of a given medium/form

Learning about the Arts: learning the historical/cultural aspects of the expression of ideas and feelings 

Learning through the Arts: using the arts as entry points to explore other subject areas


How should we:

1. Learn about the arts?

2. Learn in the arts?

3. Learn through the arts?


Take 10 minutes and journal this response in your sketchbooks