Online courses in Blackboard Learn
These are degree-level and certificate classes that are offered entirely online or may have substantial online components. Online classes are in the Blackboard Learning Management System and offer the advantages of online discussions and electronically submitted assignments. An online course usually requires a textbook(s), has online readings or PDFs, provides learning activities, and includes audio, videos, graphics, animations, simulations, or tutorials depending on the content requirements and the learning expectations of the instructor. Each course has a Course Syllabus that is updated for each term delivery.
Online classes have a section number beginning with W, or you can use a schedule type of Web Based class when searching in PAWS.
*Note: Be sure your are logged OUT of Blackboard for successful viewing of the Blackboard OpenCourseware link below
Online Courses using WordPress
Independent Community
POLS 222
Indigenous Governance and Politics | Course Site
[spoiler title="Read More" style="simple"]This course utilizes a variety of embedded learning apps (including H5P content) to engage students with the learning material and allow them to check their understanding as they proceed through each module. Assessment components, including private Learning Journals and Midterm Exams, are accessible to enrolled students via PAWS and an accompanying Blackboard course portal.[/spoiler]
Guided Community
Networked Community
DRAM 108
What is Theatre | Course Hub
[spoiler title="Read More" style="simple"]Hidden content[/spoiler]
Learning Activity and Assignment Sites
BMSC 230
Metabolism | Interactive Activities for Metabolic Pathways
[spoiler title="Read More" style="simple"]A set of interactive activities created using Adobe Captivate to help students understand metabolic pathways.[/spoiler]
PLSC 350
Agricultural Entomology | Insect Collection Guidelines
[spoiler title="Read More" style="simple"]A digital insect collection assignment for PLSC 350.3.[/spoiler]
Student Work Sites
ASTR 104
Astronomy of Planets | Student Work
[spoiler title="Read More" open="no" style="simple" icon="plus"]Astronomy of Planets is a website about planetary astronomy showcasing research that was conducted by Astronomy 104 students at the University of Saskatchewan.[/spoiler]
GEOL 109
The Earth and Lift Through Time | Student-Curated Geology Video Collection
[spoiler title="Read More" open="no" style="simple" icon="plus"]Sometimes the textbook is unclear or written in too technical a fashion for students new to the topic to immediately understand what is being said. Videos designed by someone with a different perspective on the topic can be very helpful for reinforcing concepts, or clarifying points of confusion.
In this assignment students will help to assemble a collection of videos and complementary resources for historical geology students by preparing materials for two videos. Their work will form the basis of a collection of resources to be made available to current and future students in Geology 109.[/spoiler]
PLSC 234
Weed Control in Organic Agriculture | Student Developed Management Resources
[spoiler title="Read More" style="simple"]This resources website showcases research and analysis developed by the students of PLSC 234. This course examines the principles and practices of weed management in organic agriculture. Students are asked to produce crop and weed profiles as well as summaries for weed management techniques, which they use in their major assignment of creating a complete 6 year Crop Rotation Management Plan. These profile documents and management summaries are now publicly available here on the Resources Website for PLSC 234.[/spoiler]