General,  Instructional Strategies

Turkey Dinner Causes University Student Career Planning! What’s the relationship?

[social_share/] [social-bio] A career counsellor once told me that appointment requests by first year university students increase dramatically after the Thanksgiving weekend.  She knew from talking with many of these students, that it had been conversations with parents that weekend that had led to their making of appointments.

traditional turkey dinnerStudents (and parents of students) care deeply about their future and finding fulfilling and interesting career paths.  While different degree programs make differing claims about achieving job preparation goals, students in all programs are right and wise to be anticipating their futures.   Rarely, however, will the first six weeks of the first year answer many questions for new students—a fact that may be frustrating for some.

Two (post-Thanksgiving) teacher tips that occur to me?

  1. Now is a particularly good time to connect what students are learning in classes to real world concerns and types of career paths.  First year students in particular may be particularly open to seeing these kinds of connections this week.  Even general comments of this kind will be helpful and can effect motivation.
  2. Take the opportunity to promote your campus-based career and employment services.  At the University of Saskatchewan “career coaching consultations” are available daily and are free of charge to all current students.

Picture courtesy of YVRBCbro via Flickr with a Creative Commons license (Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivative Works -Some rights reserved)

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