Educational Technology,  General

Shall I Google That For You?

[social_share/] [social-bio] A vital skill for faculty and students alike is to make effective use of search tools.  Google is used millions of times every minute yet most folks are using only a tiny fraction of Google’s ability.  In particular, when we wish to use Google for supporting our scholarly work, there are particular strategies, tactics, and features that everyone ought to know.

I recently came across a blog post at on “Google tips and tricks every student should know

The best part of this post was the 41 minute video resource (embedded below) on making effective use of Google Scholar. A default Scholar search results are normally sorted by relevance, rather than by date.  For example, to find newer articles you can click “Since Year” to show only recently published papers, or click “Sort by date”.  The library search link is also of great benefit.  Watch the video – it’s well worth your time.

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