Weighs the Truth
Weighs the Truth
The third moon teaching, from the book, The 13 Original Clan Mothers, by Jamie Sams, acknowledges taking responsibility for the truth. Sams explains that this moon is the Guardian of Justice; the teacher of principles that emphasizes the ability to see all sides of a situation, rather than seeking punishment. The wisdom in this teaching focuses on doing the right thing and allow oneself to make decisions that are not based on, “class distinction, hierarchy, wealth, supposed power and popularity” (Sams, 1993). Weighing the truth is having the ability to look within oneself and to acknowledge a truth regardless of how painful it may be.
Racism is one such truth that needs to be acknowledged, discussed, and deconstructed. Although difficult to confront, conversations about racism and its persistent presence are necessary for meaningful change to occur. Reconciliation is having the racism talk. Decolonizing any system requires the racism talk and for Indigenization to exist, the racism talk is necessary.
Where should conversations begin?
Start with self. It is important to weigh our own truths; to examine bias, stereotypes, prejudices, and to recognize the privileges that exist because of racism. Self-awareness provides the opportunity to reflect on existing relationship with racism. Because racism is a collective of individual consents, then disrupting it must start with oneself.
Recognizing positionality becomes more meaningful and impactful when transferring self-awareness to learning and teaching. Understanding these truths can lead to sincere intentions for engaging in meaningful dialogue about reconciliation, decolonization, and indigenization. Education must acknowledge historical structures, and learning the complexity of racism from an individual truth can lead to deeper understanding and can be the tool to dismantling the oppressive systems that house racism.
Wisdom Keeper – Educatus (usask.ca),
Talks With Relations – Educatus (usask.ca)
Sams, J. (1993). The 13 Original Clan Mothers. New York: Harper Collins Publishers.