I am a fourth-year honours student majoring in History. I am also completing a certificate in Jewish and Christian Origins. I have also applied to the College of Education in hopes of getting both a History Degree and an Education Degree.

My family moved to Canada in 2006 from Doncaster, England. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins still live in England, but we still keep in touch. My parents moved to Canada because they wanted more space for their kids to grow up, so they bought an acreage in Radisson, Saskatchewan. I have three older siblings, who I am very close with. I also have three nephews and three nieces who have made all family gatherings so much more exciting.

School and my family are the two most important aspects of my life. But along with that, I also love my job. I have worked at Mar’s Mini Golf since I was fifteen (almost six years), and it is by far the best job a student could have. It is a fun place to work, and my co-workers and boss are amazing.