I’m not totally sure what to make this about! I suppose since this is for a class, it’ll be mainly about history. I’ll be sure to include some of the stuff I’m into like video games, movies, writing, etc. I guess a bit about me should be in order.
I’m Raymond! I usually go by Ray, and my pronouns are he/him. I study history at the University of Saskatchewan, mainly focusing on Medieval and Roman history. I am considering a Master’s degree targeting hagiography as my project, but still haven’t really gotten into that process.
In my spare time I play video games and write. In high school I got into writing horror and still practice it from time to time. I also enjoy horror movies and books, something about it is just thrilling! In terms of games I play quite a lot. I’ve enjoyed Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Destiny 2, Dark souls, and more!
My family has lived in Saskatchewan for a long time. My great grandfather started a homestead near Simmie Saskatchewan in 1908. His father, if I remember correctly, came from Norway. My other great grandfather came to Saskatchewan directly from Denmark, so I have a lot of Scandinavian heritage! this means being exposed to lutefisk, something I do not enjoy but my family does. I spent most of my time growing up on a farm or ranch, but that life didn’t really call to me. Thus, here I am! Studying history
Learning how the process of building a website is going to be exciting, I can’t wait to see what it teaches me.