The Programming Historian, available online, http://programminghistorian.org. Do the Introduction to Python lessons.
- Python Introduction and Installation
- We will use the Python IDLE (Python GUI) instead of the text editor suggested by the lessons, which is already installed on the lab computers. So we will skip the installation lesson.
- Search and open IDLE (Python 3.5 64-bit)
- It should open the Python 3.5.4 Shell
- Try this: >>>print ‘hello world’
- Hit enter
- Click “File” and “Open New File”
- You are ready for the next lesson.
- Understanding Web Pages and HTML
- Working with Text Files in Python
- Code Reuse and Modularity in Python
- Downloading Web Pages with Python
- Manipulating Strings in Python
- From HTML to List of Words (part 1)
- From HTML to List of Words (part 2)
- Normalizing Textual Data with Python
- Counting Word Frequencies with Python
- Creating and Viewing HTML Files with Python
- Output Data as an HTML File with Python
- Keywords in Context (Using n-grams) with Python
- Output Keywords in Context in an HTML File with Python
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
- Advanced: Clustering with Scikit-Learn in Python (might not be possible on lab computers)
- Python Introduction and Installation
Here are the lessons I planned to use today. But we’re missing one package on the lab computers, so it will not work (and the cloud platform I planed to use is no long available to the public).
Download: Introduction to Text Analysis Jupyter Notebooks
Search for Jupyter Notebooks in the start menu (if you are using Windows) and click to open. It will open in the browser.
Navigate to where you unzipped the folder.
Click on lesson 1-getting-started-with-jupyter