McPhee Lake (Photo Credit: CJ Lessard, August 2021, https://globalnews.ca/news/8077911/your-saskatchewan-photo-of-the-day-august-2021/)
McPhee Lake is approximately 1.88km2.1 Unfortunately, due to how small this lake reservoir is, after hours of research, not much water quality data or information was available. The information that was noted was found in the water quality program summaries in the District of Lakeland under the Yearly Water Quality Summary2. Sampling trips were taken at McPhee Lake as well as Anglin and Christopher Lake. From the past ten years, lake transparency data shows a downward trend for Christopher Lake and the opposite effect so an upward trend for Anglin and McPhee Lakes2. Trophic indicators are used to determine lake transparency which includes nutrients, chlorophyll a, and Secchi disk transparency (water clarity)3. Secchi disks were used to test lake transparency and other water parameters like baseline physical and chemical parameter data to assess trends and monitor any changes2. Added nutrients within a lake water body can increase biological productivity, resulting in a decrease in water clarity. Therefore, biological productivity was used to determine the lake trophic status3.
Therefore, the importance of non-profit organizations to conduct research in these small, rural communities is just as important as water quality research for larger reservoirs. This will allow us to understand more about the lake’s hydrology and how different factors may affect the quality. Please view the gathered resources and photos below.
McPhee Resources:
McPhee Lake
Water Quality Data
Angler’s Atlas – McPhee Lake
Recreational/ Tourist Attractions
McPhee Lake, Saskatchewan (Video Credit: Anton 369)
McPhee Lake, Saskatchewan (Video Credit: The Nature in Village)
- Young, K. (2014). A District Environmental Management Plan for the Community of Lakeland, Saskatchewan, 2015-2019. District of Lakeland No. 521. Retrieved from https://www.lakeland521.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/environmental_management_plan3.pdf
- District of Lakeland (2022). 2021 Water Quality Program Summary – District of Lakeland. https://www.lakeland521.ca/2022/01/03/2021-water-quality-program-summary/
- Saskatchewan Watershed Authority (SWA). (2009). Anglin, Emma, and Christopher Lakes – Water Quality Report for 2005-2008. Retrieved from https://library.usask.ca/gp/sk/wa/Aarchive/a20110216/www.swa.ca/Publications/Documents/Anglin__Emma_and_Christopher_Lakes_Water_Quality_Report__2005-2008_.pdf