Hi everyone! For my final blog post, I will be discussing why Taylor Swift could very well end up in our music textbook one day.
For those of you who don’t know who Taylor Swift is (Is there anyone?), she comes with quite the backstory. Living a simple country lifestyle, Taylor grew up in Reading, Pennsylvania. Taylor was a music lover at a young age and was always performing at school talent shows and events close to home. Eventually, at age thirteen Taylor and her family packed up their life and moved to Tennessee so she could pursue her music dream.
It wasn’t long and Taylor got her first real “gig”. She was asked to sing the national anthem at a Philadelphia 76ers NBA game. From here, Taylor continued writing and performing, unaware of how her songs would soon explode the music industry.
In 2006, Taylor Swift caught the eye of Big Machine Records executive, Scott Borchetta, and he immediately saw the evident talent.
“I fell in love with her. It’s really that simple. We don’t sign anyone that we don’t think is going to be successful, and Taylor covered so many bases.” Scott confessed.
Tim McGraw
Released in the summer of 2006, Tim McGraw was the first single Taylor released. Needless to say, the song sparked the Taylor Swift revolution and even stayed on the Billboard charts for eight months.
Following this song, Taylor Swift started becoming known around the world and was given the opportunity to tour as an opening act with Rascal Flatts, George Strait, and even Faith Hill. This was quite the honor for Taylor as even today she still expresses how much she admires and is inspired by such household names.
One thing that makes Taylor so unique is her ability to connect with peoples hearts through her words. From a tough breakup, to feeling like an outsider, Taylor connects with her fans and lets them know they aren’t alone. In one of Taylors most popular songs, “Fifteen” she writes about how hard life can be as a teenager and the pressures of trying to fit in.
“Cause when you’re fifteen”
“And somebody tells you they love you”
“You’re gonna believe them”
It speaks of heartbreak; a feeling that many people of all ages can relate to. With such emotional lyrics and a strong voice like Taylors, her success really speaks for itself.
Shake it Off
In more recent years, Taylor has transformed from country star to pop queen. In Taylors 4th album, 1989, the single “Shake it Off” was one of the instant smash hits. “Shake it Off” stands out because of its straight pop tune. There is no hints of country, hip-hop, or rap. And honestly, the song doesn’t need it.
“Shake it Off” is an upbeat tune that begins with a consistent drumset rhythm and soon leads into the vocals. With very long- drawn out lyrics contrasted with the short bits of “shake it off” the song is perfectly balanced. Another technique Swift uses is repetition, specifically “shake it off” or “hey, hey, hey” which proves the song to quite catchy.
Overall, “Shake it Off” is a song expressing the importance of self-confidence and not letting anyone make you feel like you aren’t perfect the way you are.
Taylor Swift has been around since the early 2000’s and remains one of the (if not the) most influential and successful musicians in the world today. I personally believe Taylor has done this by staying true to herself. Love or hate her music, no one can deny that Taylor Swift is unapologetically herself and doesn’t let others dictate how she should act.
Making History
Taylor Swift has already made history. From bestselling records, 10 Grammy awards, or sold-out stadium tours, she’s done it all. However, I believe the world will remember Taylor Swift for more than just a successful singer.
Taylor will be remembered for all the times she stood up for women. (Like when she filed a lawsuit against a radio host for sexually assaulting her, and all she wanted was a single dollar). Or for the times she used her platform to speak and help those affected by bullying. (Like the time she wrote a personalized letter to fan that was being bullied simply because of his name.) Or maybe the times she shared her success and supported charitable organizations around the world (Like the time she donated $1 million toward Louisana flood relief efforts) And lastly, all the times she ditched the lights and cameras for intimate listening parties with some longtime fans
These are the reasons I think Taylor Swift will make it into our textbook one day; not because of how successful she was, but rather what she did with her success.
Works Cited
Ray, Michael. “Taylor Swift.” Encyclopædia Britannica. March 21, 2018. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Taylor-Swift.
Fast Company Staff. “Meet Scott Borchetta, the Music-Industry Maverick Who Launched Taylor Swift.” Fast Company. August 14, 2012. Accessed August 8, 2018. https://www.fastcompany.com/1795743/meet-scott-borchetta-music-industry-maverick-who-launched-taylor-swift.
Levenson, Eric. “Taylor Swift’s Attorney: Radio Host Groped Her, Then Sued for Cash and Fame.” CNN. August 10, 2017. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/08/us/taylor-swift-trial/index.html.