Taylor Swift: Making History

Hi everyone! For my final blog post, I will be discussing why Taylor Swift could very well end up in our music textbook one day.

For those of you who don’t know who Taylor Swift is (Is there anyone?), she comes with quite the backstory.  Living a simple country lifestyle, Taylor grew up in Reading, Pennsylvania. Taylor was a music lover at a young age and was always performing at school talent shows and events close to home. Eventually, at age thirteen Taylor and her family packed up their life and moved to Tennessee so she could pursue her music dream.

It wasn’t long and Taylor got her first real “gig”.  She was asked to sing the national anthem at a Philadelphia 76ers NBA game.  From here, Taylor continued writing and performing, unaware of how her songs would soon explode the music industry.

In 2006, Taylor Swift caught the eye of Big Machine Records executive, Scott Borchetta, and he immediately saw the evident talent.

“I fell in love with her. It’s really that simple. We don’t sign anyone that we don’t think is going to be successful, and Taylor covered so many bases.” Scott confessed.

Tim McGraw

Released in the summer of 2006, Tim McGraw was the first single Taylor released. Needless to say, the song sparked the Taylor Swift revolution and even stayed on the Billboard charts for eight months.

Following this song, Taylor Swift started becoming known around the world and was given the opportunity to tour as an opening act with Rascal Flatts, George Strait, and even Faith Hill. This was quite the honor for Taylor as even today she still expresses how much she admires and is inspired by such household names.


One thing that makes Taylor so unique is her ability to connect with peoples hearts through her words. From a tough breakup, to feeling like an outsider, Taylor connects with her fans and lets them know they aren’t alone.   In one of Taylors most popular songs, “Fifteen” she writes about how hard life can be as a teenager and the pressures of trying to fit in.

“Cause when you’re fifteen”

“And somebody tells you they love you”

“You’re gonna believe them”

It speaks of heartbreak; a feeling that many people of all ages can relate to. With such emotional lyrics and a strong voice like Taylors, her success really speaks for itself.

Shake it Off

In more recent years, Taylor has transformed from country star to pop queen. In Taylors 4th album, 1989, the single “Shake it Off” was one of the instant smash hits.  “Shake it Off” stands out because of its straight pop tune. There is no hints of country, hip-hop, or rap. And honestly, the song doesn’t need it.

“Shake it Off” is an upbeat tune that begins with a consistent drumset rhythm and soon leads into the vocals. With very long- drawn out lyrics contrasted with the short bits of “shake it off” the song is perfectly balanced. Another technique Swift uses is repetition, specifically “shake it off” or “hey, hey, hey” which proves the song to quite catchy.

Overall, “Shake it Off” is a song expressing the importance of self-confidence and not letting anyone make you feel like you aren’t perfect the way you are.

Taylor Swift has been around since the early 2000’s and remains one of the (if not the) most influential and successful musicians in the world today. I personally believe Taylor has done this by staying true to herself. Love or hate her music, no one can deny that Taylor Swift is unapologetically herself and doesn’t let others dictate how she should act.

Making History

Taylor Swift has already made history. From bestselling records, 10 Grammy awards, or sold-out stadium tours, she’s done it all. However, I believe the world will remember Taylor Swift for more than just a successful singer.

Taylor will be remembered for all the times she stood up for women. (Like when she filed a lawsuit against a radio host for sexually assaulting her, and all she wanted was a single dollar).  Or for the times she used her platform to speak and help those affected by bullying. (Like the time she wrote a personalized letter to fan that was being bullied simply because of his name.) Or maybe the times she shared her success and supported charitable organizations around the world (Like the time she donated $1 million toward Louisana flood relief efforts) And lastly, all the times she ditched the lights and cameras for intimate listening parties with some longtime fans

These are the reasons I think Taylor Swift will make it into our textbook one day; not because of how successful she was, but rather what she did with her success.

Works Cited

Ray, Michael. “Taylor Swift.” Encyclopædia Britannica. March 21, 2018. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Taylor-Swift.

Fast Company Staff. “Meet Scott Borchetta, the Music-Industry Maverick Who Launched Taylor Swift.” Fast Company. August 14, 2012. Accessed August 8, 2018. https://www.fastcompany.com/1795743/meet-scott-borchetta-music-industry-maverick-who-launched-taylor-swift.

Levenson, Eric. “Taylor Swift’s Attorney: Radio Host Groped Her, Then Sued for Cash and Fame.” CNN. August 10, 2017. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/08/us/taylor-swift-trial/index.html.





Harry Styles: Live on Tour

Hi again!

For my second blog post, I will be reviewing a recent concert I attended in
Vancouver, British Columbia. (Yes, I did in fact fly to BC for this concert) This was for none other than Mr. Harry Styles.


One Direction Days

Eight years ago, a young 16-year-old boy auditioned on the popular tv show called the X-Factor. It was here where thousands of people competed for the top spot. Originally, Harry Styles was trying out as a solo act but was eventually placed with four other boys to continue on as a band. Thus, One Direction was born.

Within weeks, One Direction had a huge fan base. Mostly teenage girls who loved their hair, but nonetheless people were listening to their music.  Eventually, One Direction was eliminated from the X-factor but their newfound fame did not stop. Within 5 years, One Direction had 5 albums, a movie, and sold out world stadium tours.

One Direction seemed to have everything going for them. Then, the band announced it was going on a break in August of 2015. Fast forward to May 12th, 2017 and Harry Styles released his own 10 song album.

Harry’s album fell under the Pop genre but after listening to it many, many times I found myself thinking of it as more of an alternative rock.

Sign of The Times

“Sign of the Times” was the first and most popular song Harry released back in 2017. This song has a dark and almost heartbreaking feel to it. With the long drawn out piano notes, one can sense a mix of Pink Floyd and David Bowie all in one.

To me, “Sign of the Times” is a song about coming to terms with the end of something in our lives, whether that is a relationship, friendship, or just the past in general.

“Just stop your crying it’s the sign of the times”

This meaning that there are things in our life that we can not change and as painful as it, sometimes the only thing one can do is move on.

Later in the song Styles also writes,

“Remember, everything will be alright
We can meet again somewhere
Somewhere far away from here.”

Now to me, this translates to let things happen as they may. It is never too late and no one knows what your future holds. While things might not always seem so great, whats meant to be will be, and everything will be okay in the end.

Truthfully, no one will ever fully know why Harry wrote those words or what they were meant for, however, we all have our own take and make our own inferences. That is what makes music so beautiful, everyone can take what they want from songs and make them their own story.


Most of the time Harry sticks to the soft acoustic songs we all know and love. Therefore, his single Kiwi was certainly a step out of the comfort zone. Debuting at number 66 on the charts, this single is hard rock and roll and has a rebellious feel to it.  With lyrics such as

“She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes, Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect” 

one feels like they are back in the 70’s and consumed in a different world. Another thing to note about “Kiwi” is the intense work of the drums and guitar. With such a high-intensity song, it’s important the background music can keep up. I specifically enjoyed the work of the drums during faster parts of the song, and then suddenly the drums fade and only Harry’s voice is heard. For me, this allows the listener to pay more attention to the lyrics and connect that much more with the song.

Rogers Arena

As mentioned earlier, the concert took place at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia.  The arena itself holds around 19 000 people, but yet even though almost every seat was filled, it was one of the most intimate concerts I have ever experienced.  There were no backup dancers, no extravagant stage or lights, just Harry, his band and 19 000 people softly singing along. This was a chilling experience and something I  wish I could relive.


Coming to Vancouver, I imagined the concert to be filled with screaming young girls like myself. And while there was plenty of them, there was also people of every age. I specifically remember standing in shock while a man who looked to be about in his seventies asked to sneak past me. My point is, Harry Styles produces music that everyone can find joy in and those who still label him as nothing but a “teenage boy band” couldn’t be more wrong.


Seeing Harry Styles live and in concert has been a dream of mine since I first watched him years ago.  The feeling of joy and excitement I got before the concert even began was indescribable. One thing that stuck with me after the concert was how humble Harry Styles is. For example, as he walked out on stage he calmly spoke into the mic and introduced himself

“Hi Vancouver, my name is Harry and I am so incredibly honored to play for you guys tonight.”

I think one of the reasons this concert meant so much to me is because of how much I look up to Harry Styles and how there are so many qualities in him that I want in myself.

As much as this concert meant to me, I believe it meant just as much to others. One of the many reasons millions of people love Harry Styles as much as I do is because of how accepting he is. It doesn’t matter about the color of your skin, your sexuality, or gender. Harry wanted everyone to feel welcome and embrace who they are, or whoever they want to be.

Works Cited

Lent, Jason. “The Revolution “Harry Styles”.” May 26, 2017. Accessed July 15, 2018.

Cunningham, John M. “One Direction.” Encyclopædia Britannica. June 26, 2018. Accessed July 19, 2018. https://www.britannica.com/topic/One-Direction.Penrose, Nerisha, and Lyndsey Havens.

“One Year After One Direction’s Hiatus Announcement: A Timeline.” Billboard. October 18, 2016. Accessed July 17, 2018. https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop

Conte, HJ, Columbia Records, and Sony Music Entertainment. “Debut Album out Now.” Harry Styles. Accessed July 1, 2018. https://hstyles.co.uk/.




Mamie Smith: Woman of Blues

Hi everyone!

My name is Heather and I am a second-year business student. For my first blog post, I wanted to discuss Mamie Smith and her lifelong contributions to the world of music.

I really wanted to learn more about Mamie Smith because of how much of an influence she is for young women today. She didn’t have the easiest time being black and a woman in the 1920’s(shocking I know!) but she didn’t let that stop her and refused to play by anyone else’s rules. And this I find is something everybody should do in their own life, while they follow their own dreams.


While most 10-year-olds today spend their time snap-chatting or watching YouTube videos, Mamie Smith was busy on tour with an act called the Four Dancing Mitchells. With time, Mamie put her many talents to use and began dancing on different sets and continually pushing herself. By 1913, Mamie even decided to leave the Tutt Brothers and pursue her solo career. As fate would have it Mamie even ended up finding love and married a waiter named William.

Living in Harlem at the time Mamie proved herself time and time again as more than just a pretty face with a successful career as a singer, dancer, pianist, and even actress. It was here that she would meet the highly talked about songwriter; Mr. Perry Bradford.  Despite being turned away from many music executives simply because of the fact that Mamie was black, the duo persevered. By August of 1920, Mamie was on track to record numerous songs with a talented young group of African American musicians referred to as “The Jazz Hounds”.  Two of the songs on the album released called “Crazy Blues’ and “It’s Right Here For You” were wildly successful as over a million copies in less than a year.

Crazy Blues 

As I listened to many Mamie Smith songs before choosing three to further explore, I felt as if I couldn’t not choose “Crazy Blues”.  With so much hype around this song, I am happy to say I was not disappointed. This song was not only one of her biggest hits (if not the biggest) but it also paved the way for other black female artists.

While some argue that “Crazy Blues” isn’t technically a typical blues song, many still view it as the first blues song to be recorded by a person of color. As I mentioned earlier, “Crazy Blues” recorded with Okeh records was a smash hit and had started a movement. It proved very popular with other African Americans and had sparked the interest in race records (Kernfeld, 2000).

 “Crazy Blues could be heard coming from the open windows of virtually any black neighborhood in America.”
-Jazz musician, Danny Barker 

While analyzing the actual music the component that stood out most to me was the actual lyrics. The lyrics themselves are actually quite harsh.  I think perhaps the reason this song was so successful is because of how relatable it is. Mamie sings about how nothing is going her way and how the person she loves doesn’t seem to care about her at all.   After really listening to this song I am not surprised how much people loved it.  It’s one thing to write about your feelings, and another to actually sing them, and Mamie Smith was able to accomplish both beautifully.

You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down

One of Smiths classics, “You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down” starts off with a faster, high tempo tune leading the listener to believe the song will be an upbeat tune. However, slowly this song transitions into a soothing, slower melody. One specific detail I noticed while listening to this song was the work of the trombone and piano. With such a strong voice being the center of attention, the piano and trombone do a great job of complimenting Mamie’s voice, rather than overpowering it.

Between Mamie Smiths powerful voice and the Jazz Hounds delicate instrumentation, this song went on to be one of her most successful and was a stepping stone for Mamie Smith to one day become a household name.

That Thing Called Love

Being that this song was one of the first songs to ever be released by a black Blues singer, I found myself instantly drawn to it. Like many of Mamie’s songs, “That Thing Called Love” starts off with a faster paced instrumental mix of piano notes. Then, by the time the vocals come in the song slows down. I really enjoyed this single because of how the piano harmonizes with Mamie’s singing. It gives the song a really intimate vibe. “That Thing Called Love” is one of those songs that will have you swaying and singing along without even realizing it.

Mamie after Music

While Mamie’s short life was mostly filled with music she did pursue other dreams. She spent her well deserved money on the luxuries of life such as diamonds and real estate, continued singing and performing in New York Theatres, and even made an appearance in a few African American films.

Looking Back

Before this blog, I really didn’t know much about Mamie Smith and what she did for the world. However, now I feel so much more educated and excited to continue learning about the impacts of these early time musicians. I hope the world remembers Mamie Smith as more than just a Blues Singer but perhaps a powerful woman, an underdog, and an inspiration.

Works Cited

Campbell, Michael. Popular Music in America: The Beat Goes On. 4th ed.* Boston: Schirmer/Cengage Learning, 2013

.Kernfeld, Barry. “Smith, Mamie (26 May 1883–30 October 1946?), Blues and Vaudeville Singer and Film Actress.” American National Biography Online, 2000.

Reiner, Robert. “2. The Birth of the Blues.” The Politics of the Police, 2010, 39-66.

“World Chronicles.” Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle.