Ed Sheeran performing on his “Divide Tour” in support of his third studio album[1]
A Musical Genius
Edward Christopher Sheeran, more commonly known as “Ed” Sheeran, is truly changing the world of music as we know it. Proven to be a global musical talent, this witty English ginger is best-known for being able to attract an entire audience with nothing but his voice and his guitar. Born on February 17th, 1991, this English singer/songwriter, guitarist, and record producer has been named “the biggest male pop star on the planet” by many, with his fame continuously growing every day. [2] In the light of his success, I am confident that Ed Sheeran will be included in future textbooks to educate individuals on how he changed the world of music. Here’s why.
The music video for “The A Team”, one of Ed’s most popular ballads. [3]
Ed Sheeran’s first debut solo single “The A Team” was released on April 22nd, 2010. This folk ballad was written from Ed’s personal experience visiting a homeless shelter when he was just eighteen years old. After hearing many stories from the people at the shelter, he wrote the song in order to shed light on the dark subject. The lyrics have hidden phrases related to drug use and alcoholism, such as “burnt lungs, sour taste” and “goes mad for a couple grams”. The song uses power and emotion to tell a story, which intrigued millions of people after its release. It has been related to Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car”, which was a popular hit from 1988 talking about alcoholism. After its release, “The A Team” was nominated for multiple Grammy awards. [4]
By September 9th, 2011 Ed’s first album “Plus” was released, which sold 102, 350 copies the first week of its release. The album genre was a mix of pop, folk, pop/rock, and indie. What really began to shock people was how Ed Sheeran was becoming so successful, considering his acoustic-based music was in no way similar to the average mainstream songs currently being played on the radio. On top of that, the redhead was even voted “The Worst Dressed Man of the Year” by GQ magazine in 2012, with his classic t-shirt and hoodie look. [5] It became evident that his fame was not evolving due to creating similar music to other pop stars, or sticking to one genre, or dressing the way his label wanted him to. Ed Sheeran was proving to the world that his rise to fame would be by doing things his own way, and it has worked for him ever since.
Dancing to the Beat of His Own Drum
Ed Sheeran’s music video for “You Need Me, I Don’t Need You”. [6]
Although Ed Sheeran is well-known for playing soft pop/folk ballads, his music doesn’t stop there. He has found a way to attract wide audiences around the world with fast pop/rock songs as well. In January 2013, Ed spoke about his ever-changing musical sound.
“I’m going to keep doing what I want to do. I’m not going to necessarily make something because the critics on the last album said that it wasn’t what they thought it should be.” – Ed Sheeran [7]
His popular hit, “You Need Me, I Don’t Need You” was created with only guitar, piano, and vocal instrumentations. The song has a rougher, rock-sounding exterior than many of his other songs, which surprised listeners. The tempo is extremely fast throughout the song, creating a unique melody. The lyrics state, “See, I’m true, my songs are where my heart is” and “I’m not you, now that would be disastrous/ Let me sing and do my thing and move to greener pastures”.
Clearly, a large part of Ed’s success is because he has chosen to create the type of music he wants to, taking risks along the way. People admire his sense of self and independence. A few years ago, I attended one of Ed’s concerts and was blown away. The concert was absolutely incredible, even though the stage only consisted of Ed and his guitar.
Behind the Scenes
Ed Sheeran performing “What Do I Know?” live on Red Nose Day, 2017. [8]
Ed Sheeran is also known for being one of the most down-to-earth celebrities on this planet. Some of his kindest acts have been donating his Grammy wardrobe to charity, performing at a fan’s wedding, singing for the military base in Afghanistan, and donating money to various non-profit organizations across the planet. [9] He continues to spread the message of love and positivity across the world every day, which has only made people admire him even more.
On his latest album “Divide”, Ed released a song called “What Do I Know?” which he performed for the Red Nose Day comic relief event in 2017. Red Nose Day was created to help people living in poverty throughout the UK and Africa. In the song, Ed states “And I pass on these things my family’s given to me/ Just love and understanding positivity” as well as “Love can change the world in a moment/ The revolution’s coming, it’s a minute away”. When asked why he put the song on the record, Ed was quick to answer.
“The song ‘What Do I Know’ was me looking at the world and being like ‘we aren’t doing too well are we’ and writing a song about it…My whole mantra in life is always ‘love is everything.’ I love, love. I love when people are happy.” – Ed Sheeran [10]
Clearly, Ed Sheeran is one-of-a-kind. His success will continue to grow as he develops as an artist, and I can’t wait to see where the rest of his musical journey takes him in the future. His story will definitely be heard through future textbooks, generations, and of course, his music, for eternity.
[1]. Gibson, Kelsie. “We Have to Ask: Is Ed Sheeran Irish or English?” POPSUGAR Tech. March 25, 2017. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Where-Ed-Sheeran-From-43331626.
[2]. Chesterton, George. “How Ed Sheeran Became the Biggest Male Popstar on the Planet.” GQ. September 11, 2017. Accessed August 09, 2018. https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/ed-sheeran-new-album-divide.
[3]. EdSheeran. “Ed Sheeran – The A Team [Official Video].” YouTube. April 22, 2010. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAWcs5H-qgQ.
[4]. “Ed Sheeran’s 10 Biggest Career Moments.” Much.com. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.much.com/ed-sheeran-10-biggest-career-moments/.
[5]. Lee, Josh. “How Ed Sheeran Went from Worst-dressed to GQ Cover Star.” GQ. September 11, 2017. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/ed-sheeran-worst-dressed.
[6]. EdSheeran. “Ed Sheeran – You Need Me, I Don’t Need You [Official Video].” YouTube. July 19, 2011. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXvzzTICvJs.
[7]. Katelbeaudoin. “9 Times Ed Sheeran Proved How Down to Earth He Really Is.” Mic. October 25, 2015. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://mic.com/articles/115924/9-times-ed-sheeran-actually-had-a-really-good-point#.7VHSf8KcN.
[8]. Rednoseday. “Ed Sheeran – What Do I Know? | Red Nose Day 2017.” YouTube. March 24, 2017. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1KzQHQMIx0.
[9]. “7 Acts of Kindness from Ed Sheeran.” FM104. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.fm104.ie/the-buzz/7-acts-of-kindness-from-ed-sheeran/.
[10]. “The Story Behind Ed Sheeran’s ‘What Do I Know’ Is Kind of Inspiring.” Just Jared Jr. Accessed August 10, 2018. http://www.justjaredjr.com/2017/03/25/the-story-behind-ed-sheerans-what-do-i-know-is-kind-of-inspiring/.