Hey, it’s me again, Lauren! I am here to talk about my opinion of rock and roll, and heavy rock music.
Music has always been a big part of my life, from listening to Shania Twain dancing in the reflection of the oven door, the heavy metal and rock and roll music my parents listened to the classical music in my ballet classes. Music has always been here for me. The music that parents listen to shape what music their children listen to. My dad spent his early twenties driving around with Age of Electric band through British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and a little Manitoba. He was always been into the heavy metal and you could even tell by the long his hair was.
There has been a number of heavy metal bands since the late 1960s like:
- Metallica
- Iron Maiden
- Judas Priest
- Black Sabbath
- Mötley Crüe
- Led Zeppelin
Some people say that Led Zeppelin was the first was the first to introduce heavy metal music to society but I personally believe that Black Sabbath was the first. I feel that Led Zeppelin was more rock and roll then heavy metal. What my understanding of rock and roll verses heavy metal is that heavy metal is a sub-genre inside of the rock genre.
Good Times and Bad Times by Led Zeppelin released in 1969 is listed as a hard rock genre. With the guitar solo in the middle of the song gives a little more hard rock vibe to the music and the electric guitar adds a little heavier sound to the music. This makes me think of a hard heavy rock band rather then a heavy metal band.
Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin released in 1969 has a nice slow electric sound to the beginning and then picks up as the song goes on adding more drums. I feel it is still considered rock not heavy metal but it is getting closer.
You Shook Me by Led Zeppelin released 1969 has more of a heavier beat to the music but is slower then what I would consider to be rock, not heavy metal.
Led Zeppelin first album is was filled with great songs that everyone knows. Everyone loves a little Zeppelin especially on a road trip. This song has more of a plain, lighter sound with a less heavy electric guitar and drum bass without a double bass pedal.
Iron Man by Black Sabbath released 1970 is also listed as a hard rock genre. It is a heavy sound that has a stronger electric guitar sound and a deeper bass of a drum.
Sleeping Village by Black Sabbath does has a slower beginning, but once you get into about 1:00 minute of the song it picks up and and gets a heavier deeper electric guitar sound that makes for a heavy metal sound. Then at 3:00 minutes into the song there is an even more guitar and drums that makes for the most heavy metal part of the song. Sleeping Village by Black Sabbath is a great representation of the transitions between the smooth rock, to hard rock to heavy metal sound.
The Warning by Black Sabbath is a pretty long song but a true lover of Black Sabbath just thanks for it to never end. It starts off with a heavy deep bass and a beautiful electric guitar, then adds in the deep voice with the slow lyrics. At 3:00 minutes into the song the amazing guitar solo with the brass drums in the background goes on for a perfect 6:00 minutes before adding back in the lyrics. I feel like this is a perfect example of heavy metal. No need for vocals if the instruments can do all the talking. A real musician can make people feel what they want but just playing the instruments. The fact that out of a 10:25 minute song there is really only 4:00 minutes of vocals makes every Black Sabbath fan go nuts.
My mom and dad have always loved Black Sabbath and I have grown to love Black Sabbath because of them. I am trying not to be close minded towards Led Zeppelin but just from listening to the two bands and what their first albums were back in 1969 and 1970 there is a definite difference between the two.
I know everyone has has their own opinions about what was the first heavy metal band, Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin. I know that this is just a question for the Music 111 course, and I think it’s good because it doesn’t matter, both Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin are amazing bands. I love them both.
I am happy I was able to share my little opinion to the rest of you all that had the chance to read my few blogs. Best of luck to all of the final!