As time went on, music like all other things changed, adapted and evolved. One of these evolutions was called Heavy Metal. The text book uses Led Zeppelin as a way to introduce Heavy Metal and I agree with this choice. One of the reasons I agree with this is that many consider Led Zeppelin to be the “Grandfathers” of heavy metal (Led Zeppelin). Now Heavy metal its self has been influenced by blues rock, psychedelic rock, and acid rock. If one was to make a generic Heavy Metal song, they would have highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness, Which Led Zeppelin has had in their songs along with their own creative choices.
The song “Rock and Roll” which is from their album called Mothership is what I consider to have more of the typical rock elements. Starting with the introduction which starts of with drums followed by the guitar. The combination of the two make for an amped up and high energy start to the song which also sets the tone for the rest of the song. The guitar solo half way through the song is also typical for Heavy metal and along with the riffs played in this solo, it really gets you in to the song, almost to the point where you would dust off your air guitar and play along.
The song “whole Lotta love” is a bit different from the first song I have chosen as an example. One of the differences is that many people believe that this song was able to revolutionized the sound of rock vocals and the electric guitar (
). the song starts of with a more blues like riff which plays throughout most of the song. This beginning gives us a nice look at how the blues had some influence on the band and how they took the blues sound and made it their own. The next interesting part of the song comes when the guitar fades away and were left with the drums and sound of the cymbals being played. This occurs in the middle of the song and leaves the listener feeling like they are in a distant and far off land away from earth. Coming from a moment were you felt surrounded by fun energetic sound to a sudden shift of very minimal sound, it leaves the listener wanting to hear more. To add to the eeriness, the sound of a heavily distorted guitar comes in to the mix followed by equally shocking vocals that match the distorted guitar riffs perfectly.The last song I have chosen is called “Nobody’s Fault but Mine”. This starts off with a very heavy Distorted guitar riff. This riff sounds like it is not of this world, but that’s only the beginning of the song. Next comes the bass guitar along with the drums and boy does it ever. The entrance of these two instruments comes in with such force and gusto that it does not ask for the listeners attention but demands it. Heavy metal is usually associated with aggression or masculine power and with the way those two instruments entered, it totally fits that category (Michael Campbell). During the beginnings of heavy metal, they were also associated with rebellious actions and edgy tone (Robert Walser). It got so bad for bands who played heavy metal and their fans that they started getting blamed for crime and violence (Robert Walser). Now the lyrics them selves aren’t really that edgy but making a song about a man who lived a life that led to damnation would make it easy for the haters to attack the band and the song.
As for the text book I believe that Led Zeppelin is a good example of heavy metal to have. Sure they have songs that don’t have the stereotypical metal sound which is most likely why their is even a debate in the first place. But it is those less stereotypical metal songs that show the roots from which heavy metal and their inspiration comes from. This is why I believe Led Zeppelin should be included in the text book as an example for heavy metal. That and their amazing distortions and amped up sounds that fill you with energy.
Campbell, Michael. Popular Music in America: The Beat Goes on. Boston, MA: Cengage, 2019
“Led Zeppelin.” Encyclopedia of World Biography. . Encyclopedia.com. (August 8, 2018). http://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/led-zeppelin
Myers, Marc. “How One of Led Zeppelin’s Greatest Hits Was Made.” Business Insider. December 02, 2016. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.businessinsider.com/led-zeppelin-whole-lotta-love-oral-history-how-it-was-made-2016-12.
Walser, Robert. “Heavy Metal.” Encyclopædia Britannica. July 11, 2018. Accessed August 10, 2018. https://www.britannica.com/art/heavy-metal-music