Ed Sheeran M10Q1

I have decided to talk about Ed Sheeran who has moved me in music by his passion, talent, creativity and drive. These are reasons why he should be included in textbooks in the future and how those reasons him different from the rest.

Image result for ed sheeran

Ed is a passionate singer and song writer born and raised in the United Kingdom, and started writing his own music in 2004.


His Music and Aura

In the following videos, you will be able to discover the type of style Ed Sheeran has with his music. You can hear the utter passion he has when he sings and performs. Each song he sings and writes is a poem that’s written with such beauty that the audience can hear and admire. His music is so appealing not only from his passionate lyrics, but also from his rhythm and tempos. He usually plays quite slowly within his songs, but once it becomes the bridge or the last chorus, he becomes more intense with his voice by adding crescendo to his pieces; this makes his music full of passion and intensity, even though he is quite subtle.


Most of Ed Sheeran’s songs are love songs. He writes such beautiful songs about love that make you want to be in love. Sometimes what we go through in love makes us feel so many things that we cannot put into words, but Ed Sheeran writes songs that describes exactly what we are feeling. Image result for ed sheeranHis love songs consist of him being in love, and he sings about the joys, pains and scarifies that one  goes through when they are in love.  Where there is love, there can also be heartbreak, and Ed has written quite a few songs about heartbreak and how it makes him feel.  Love is not just with a soulmate; Ed Sheeran also writes songs about his family and friends that he loves dearly as well.


In Concert

I had the privilege to see and listen to Ed Sheeran live in concert when I was seventeen years old. With years of listening to his music and developing many emotional bonds to his songs, I was utterly overjoyed. I have been to a large amount of concerts in my lifetime, and his performance was the one I will always remember. It is my core memory because Ed Sheeran performed with so much humbleness. Image result for ed sheeran in concertHe knows how empowering and impacting his music is, but he stays humble and does not let his fame take the best of him.  He walked onto the stage with his acoustic guitar, a microphone, a loop pedal and minimal lights on the stage. It was the most simple yet powerful concert that I have attended. It was amazing to just listen to his wonderful music and his talent, without big flashing lights, dancers, and outrageous costumes. Most celebrities are stuck in their superficial ways, so Ed Sheeran stands out because of how down to earth he stays.


Ed played music at a very young age and it became a passion at once. Once we was 14 he created a few songs and created a CD. As he grew older and his voice developed, he was performing at many venues. Although Ed Sheeran played in many venues in London, what really got his foot in the door was when he was 20 years old: “In April 2011, he made an appearance in the TV music show ‘Later… with Jools Holland’ to perform his debut single, ‘The A Team’ which was released later as a digital download. Related image
It became a huge hit, selling over 58,000 copies in the first week itself. It also became one of the top ten songs in several countries such as Australia, Japan, Norway and New Zealand.” (2018) One month later, his album “+” was released, and that has been one of his major works his entire career, which was a huge hit. This album brought him to international fame, and it stayed at the top in many countries.  In six month’s time, it sold 1,021,072 in the United Kingdom alone. His second album released, “X” was another huge his, which really flooded to North America. His third and latest album released, “” was the biggest album of the year in 2017.


Favourite Songs

My favourite song in his album “+” is Give Me Love. It is a very passionate song that hooked me as soon as I heard it. It is a perfect example of the intensity that he brings to the table in a subtle way.

My favourite song from his album “X” is I’m A Mess. This song is one of his faster songs, with an edgy beat. I enjoy it because it is a little different from the rest, and as the chorus hits, the intensity really makes me feel the music.

My favourite song from his album “” is Happier because the lyrics spoke to me and I really connected with the song, and it also has a very beautiful melody.


Ed Sheeran is worthy of being in textbooks in the future because of his given talent of song writing, singing, and playing the guitar; he is very creative with his songs by using his loop pedal, and he adds many different beats.  Not only is he a phenomenal musician, but his attitude and personality is very inspiring. This makes him a good role model for many people, which is important for people to see and learn about, because humility is a precious quality to have as an artist, besides talent.  Image result for ed sheeran being humbleThese qualities make him different from the rest. His phenomenal talent of creativity, and his unique voice and music style has taken him into fame, but his trait of humility makes all of those other qualities more impressive. Ed Sheeran has inspired many artists to sing and perform in a humble manor, which is slowly increasing as the years go on. Many new artists are into slower and simpler songs with passionate meaning, and this is how he is changing the pop industry; he has inspired so many people and their music development.


The Famous People, 2018. “Ed Sheeran Biography”The Famous People.com. Access August 2018. https://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/ed-sheeran-29882.php


Josephine Baker

Josephine Baker


Hello, this is my second blog post! I decided to write about Josephine Baker.

Josephine Baker was a devoted, passionate and talented woman. Her life between June 3 1906, to April 12 1975, was filled with entertaining, dancing, being a military agent, fighting for equality and so much more. She is a truly inspiring woman.

Image result for josephine baker

Josephine’s childhood was quite difficult and hard. She grew up in a life of poverty with her mother and her siblings; her father left them at a very young age. Josephine helped support her family by babysitting and cleaned houses for rich white people, as she was very poorly treated. At age 13, she took ma

tters into her own hands and ran away and became a waitress. She had to grow up so fast at such a young age, and that made her a very strong independent women who shows a lot of drive.

By 1919, Josephine was starting to get into dance, and she would perform in clubs and also in street performances. By the year 1919, Josephine was touring within the United States with the Dixie Steppers doing comedic skits, and the Jones Family band. In 1919, she was a member of comic touch and the chorus in the

Image result for josephine bakermusical Shuffle Along. Her comedy skills that she incorporated in that musical helped her become popular with different crowds. She really wanted to make it big, so she moved to New York City and she soon performed in Chocolate Dandies, and she also performed in the floor show of the Plantation Club with Ethel Waters, and this performance made Josephine quite a crowd favourite. Josephine then travelled to Paris in 1925, to perform in La Revue Nègre. This performance made a very good impression on the audience. Josephine was soon very well known in a large portion of Europe.

“Virtually an instant hit, Josephine Baker became one of the best- known entertainers in both France and much of Europe. Her exotic, sensual act reinforced the creative images coming of the Harlem Renaissance in America.” (Lewis, 2017) Josephine was the eye opening legend who opened the eyes of  white people to start accepting black people into intellectual, social, and artistic contributions to the world, but this was placed more specifically in Harlem, NY.

“Her moves were unmistakable: rhythmic hands, gyrating hips and elastic legs that propelled her round the dancefloor like a flurry of hypnotic windmill sails. New York’s ‘highest-paid chorus girl in vaudeville’ would truly make her name in deco Paris at ‘La Revue Nègre’ in the mid 1920s.

Image result for josephine baker activist giving speechUltimate womaniser, Ernest Hemingway, called her ‘the most sensational woman anyone ever saw.’ Yet, despite her popularity and fame, Rosa Parks’ fight was hers too. When she arrived back in America in the 1950s she was refused reservations at 36 hotels. She took her battle to the cabaret clubs, refusing to perform to racially-segregated audiences (despite a $10,000 offer by a Miami club). Not even threatening calls from the Klu Klux Klan scared her. In 1963, she stood beside Martin Luther King at the March on Washington. She was the only official female speaker there.” (Marie, 2017) This describes how Josephine showed a very high stance in feminism and also, sexual empowerment for women. She had an immense amount of confidence and used her talents and her amazing skills to awe the crowd. Also, nothing scared her or made her feel less of herself. She was abundantly confident; her confidence helped her reach her goals and follow what she truly believed in without having to stand down.

As we know, Josephine Baker was a phenomenal dancer. She did a re-make of the Charleston dance. The Charleston dance was a dance that was popular in the 1920’s. It consisted of swinging of the legs and large movement of the arms, all in a fast pace. Josephine did her own version of the Charleston, by adding her own comedic touch to it, and it made her spectacularly well known.


Josephine Baker performing her own touch to the Charleston.


World War II started in the year of 1939, and that year was the start of a mission for Josephine Baker. “She worked for the Red Cross during the occupation in France. As a member of the Free French forces, she also entertained troops in both Africa and Middle Image result for josephine bakerEast.” (2018) A very intense roll Josephine had was that she worked for the French Resistance, and her duty was to smuggle messages that would be hidden in her underwear or her sheet music. As a result by the end of the war, Josephine was awarded the Croix de Guerre award, and the Legion of Honour with the rosette of the Resistance. These two honors were two of France’s highest military honours.

Josephine was a woman of many talents; she is a legend and also very inspiring. Not only was she a phenomenal dancer, and entertainer, but she also had a very deep and bold personality with being an activist in stopping cultural racism, bringing people of colour into the music industry, a military honours award recipient, and also, living a life empowering women by her actions, attitude and accomplishments. Although she became famous, she did not let it get the best of her, rather used her fame to make a difference in the world, and she was not afraid to be herself. As Josephine came from a life full of racism, poverty, criticism, and much more, she was made stronger and showed the world how she was not defined by those hardships, and that she overcame those struggles by becoming very successful, motivating, and a legend in history.



Baker, Josephine. 2018. “Josephine Baker Biography”. Biography. Access July 18, 2018.




Lewis, Jone. 2017. “ Josephine Baaker Biography”. ThoughtCo. Access Jul 18, 2018.



Lewis, Jone. 2018. “Josephine Baker Picture Gallery”. ThoughtCo. Access July 18, 2018.


Claire, Marie. 2017. “ These are the most inspirational women in history”.Marie Claire. Access July 18, 2018.


Rosenberg, Jennifer. “ What is the Chalreston? ” ThoughtCo. Access July 2018.


Mamie Smith

Blog Post 1


M2Q3 – Other Important Figures in Early Pop Music History – Mamie Smith.


Hello, my name is Natalie Keller! This is my first blog post, in which I have decided to write about Mamie Smith and how she is an important figure in early pop music history.

Mamie Smith was born in Cincinnati Ohio, on May 26th1883, and died August 16th1946. Her precious 63 years of life has impacted the music world. When she was 10 years old, she worked as a vaudeville entertainer and she also toured with the Four Dancing Mitchells. When she was a young teenager, she continued touring with various acts. When she was 20 years old, she was working and also lived in Harlem, and she married William Smith, but she remarried two more times after her career started to build up. In August of 1920, Mamie and her composer, Bradford, went to the studio with a group of African American musicians, who went by the name of, “The Jazz Hounds” to record the songs, “It’s right here for you”, and “Crazy Blues”, which is considered to be the first blues song on record. That is what launched Mamie Smiths career, since she was extremely successful for the 75,000 copies of her song within the first month of being released, and one million copies in the first six months. As this was such a high of popularity, it gave ideas to other recording companies to allow and sign female black blues singers to be a part of the new “race records” market. As the song. “Crazy Blues” was the first ever blues recording, it also has a big impact on the popularity flow of black female singers into the popular music culture. This is a great moment and start up point for black females being brought into the music culture, because they are phenomenal musicians as well as any other race or gender. There always is a first for everything, and this moment was the first spark of a equality for black women in the music industry.

Songs by Mamie Smith:

  1. “Crazy Blues” Mamie Smith

Since “Crazy Blues” was one of  Mamie Smiths big hits that really brought her into the industry,  the first Blues song ever to be record, and changed the view of black women in the music culture, I thought they would be great example tunes to show.

“Crazy Blues” was the first recording of a female blues singer. This song in particular has a very strong meaning to it. This song is about her broken heart and how the man she loves, does not love her back, and treats her badly, Despite all these awful circumstances, she will not changer her love for him. It has a sad touch to it because it makes you wonder who broke Mamie Smiths heart at this time. A broken heart can really open up a songwriters emotions, and it can create some of the best songs. Although this song is a sad heartbreak song, it has quite an upbeat tempo with a touch of brio.


  1. “That thing called love” Mamie Smith

This song was a very beautiful song to me, because Mamie sings about the different types of feelings love can give you, and how love is quite a mystery and it’s interesting to hear how Mamie Smith experienced love.

This song was Mamie Smiths first recordings with Okeh Records, so it has quite a bit of popularity to it. This song is a love song, which has some heart breaking lyrics. “That Thing Called Love” is a sad love song which talks about how love is so rich that you cannot buy it with any amount of money. It also expresses how love is a mixture of feelings which cannot always be explained, because love is a mystery. She sings about how love can give you funny feelings, make you go crazy, and also be one of the best things to experience, even though it is a mystery of what it can do to you. This song has a very andante and lento tempo, because it’s a slower song of hers, which is fitting because it is rather sad.


Later Life

After her huge reign of fame, she continued her music career by doing  Image result for mamie smith quotesmusical recordings for Okeh withing the 1920’s. She did a tour with her band, “Mamie Smith & Her Jazz Hounds” in the United States and in Europe. She developed a name called, “The Queen of the Blues”, with her utter most talent in the music Industry. Image result for the queen of the blues mamie smith




Mamie Smith is a legendary musician for not only her music, but for her acts and accomplishments. She opened the doors for the rights of equality, and in that era, equality was not a notion that was popular or easy to grow on. This opened the doors for many other artists of colour and who were also female. People like Mamie Smith show great drive, desire, and passion for music. Her music touches the heartstrings and also is has very beautiful tunes and ear catching tempos.

Human laws pattern divine laws, but divine laws use only originals.” – Mamie Smith


  1. Obrecht, Jas. 2013. “Mamie Smith: The First Lady of the Blues.” Jas Obrecht Music Archive. Access July 15, 2018. http://jasobrecht.com/mamie-smith-the-first-lady-of-the-blues/
  2. Garner, Carla W.2017. “Smith, Mamie (1883 – 1946).” Black Past. Access July 15, 2018. http://www.blackpast.org/aah/smith-mamie-1883-1946
  3. Kenny, Grace. 2017. “Mamie Smith’s “Crazy Blues”.” Music 345: Race, Identity, and Representation in American Music. Accessed July 15, 2018. https://pages.stolaf.edu/americanmusic/2017/10/10/mamie-smiths-crazy-blues/
  4. Smith, M. 2005. “Smith, Mamie 1883 – 1946.” Encyclopedia.com. Accessed July 15, 2018. https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/historians-and-chronicles/historians-miscellaneous-biographies/mamie-smith