Hey everyone!
It’s hard to believe that the class is nearing its end! Where did the summer go?! Anyway, it’s time for the final blog!
Since I have a deep love for heavy metal, I have decided to make my last blog about which band started the heavy metal genre. According to our textbook, Led Zeppelin is considered to be the band that defined the heavy metal genre (1).
In my opinion, Led Zeppelin did not start the heavy metal genre. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Led Zeppelin’s music. However, like most of the other early 60s and 70s rock bands, the blues influence is much more distinct than any other style, especially in their early years. Our textbook states that they are often regarded as a “seminal heavy metal band”, but essentially, they elude categorization (1). In other words, their music has some heavy metal elements, but they are neither the main elements, nor the only elements. Additionally, Campbell notes that “their center is clearly the blues; their version of heavy metal evolved from it” (1). To me, this means that they eventually evolved into a band that might fit in to the heavy metal genre, not that they were one from the beginning or that they started the genre. If you take a listen to their first album, Led Zeppelin (1969), I think most of you will agree that it is very much influenced by blues. The song “You Shook Me” off of their first album definitely has more of a blues vibe than a heavy metal one. Both Jimmy Page and Robert Plant were huge blues fans, and it is extremely evident in their first album (2).
With that said, their music did get heavier. “Whole Lotta Love”, a track off of their second album, Led Zeppelin II (1969), is much closer to heavy metal than any track off of their first album.
I believe that Led Zeppelin, among a few other pre-heavy metal bands from the 60s and 70s, helped lay the foundation for what would eventually become the heavy metal genre we know and love today. However, Led Zeppelin is not the band that should hold the title of having created the genre.
In my opinion, the band that should introduce metal in our course because they are the band that made heavy metal what it is today is….
Black Sabbath!!
Unlike Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath was heavy metal from the beginning. Take a listen to their first song, “Black Sabbath” off of their first album, Black Sabbath (1970). (You can imagine how much thought and effort went into naming the first album and first track haha).
This song incorporates all things heavy metal. According to our text, there are a few things that create the significant difference between heavy metal and other standard forms of popular music. There is heavy distortion (1). The electric guitar in this song sounds much more “gritty” and “growly” than it would in a standard rock song. There are more instrumental sections in comparison to vocal sections (1). The song itself is 9 minutes and 36 seconds long. It starts with a collage of sounds; heavy rain, thunder, church bells (If you’re a metal head, you know these are all obvious signs of a heavy metal song; if you’re not, now you know haha) and then the guitar and drums make their entrance. The vocals aren’t introduced into the song until 1 minute and 24 seconds in. There is a guitar solo, followed by another collage of sounds at around 5 minutes and 26 seconds, lasting for nearly a minute. Furthermore, the vocals end at 8 minutes and 30 seconds, leaving over a minute for one last instrumental section. The vocal lines are definitely more of an incantation than a melody (1). If you compare Ozzy’s vocals to Robert Plant’s (lead vocalist from Led Zeppelin), the difference is undeniable. Ozzy’s voice sounds much more like an enchantment or magical spell than Plant’s, whose voice sounds a lot less sinister. All of these things play into Black Sabbath being more heavy metal than Led Zeppelin.
Following their first album Black Sabbath (1970), Black Sabbath released their second album, Paranoid (1970), in the same year. While their first album laid the foundation, their second album finished paving the way for heavy metal. The Paranoid (1970) album included songs like;
Which happened to be one of my favorite songs growing up. It also included another well-known song:
All 3 of these Black Sabbath songs incorporate all things metal. If you don’t like them, I probably don’t like you haha! They all have heavy distortion. They are all over 5 minutes long because they include more instrumental sections than vocal lines. The vocal lines in all 3 songs sound more sinister than melodic. In contrast, Led Zeppelin has some distortion, but not to the same extreme as Black Sabbath. Most of Led Zeppelin’s songs range from 2 minutes and 30 seconds to 8 minutes and 30 seconds. While some of their songs are long, nearly all of Black Sabbaths are longer. Led Zeppelin’s vocals are also a lot more melodic in comparison to Black Sabbath’s.
Even Black Sabbath’s image screams heavy metal while Led Zeppelin’s image..well, that’s another story…
Take a look at the band members of Black Sabbath:
Now take a look at Led Zeppelin…
Black Sabbath look like the evil little Satan worshipers that the Baby Boomers likely associated heavy metal with and Led Zeppelin look like some stoned hippies about to go frolic in a field of daises haha.
An article published on Ultimate Classic Rock states that Black Sabbath did create heavy metal, though not by themselves. The article mentions Led Zeppelin, the Who, Jimi Hendrix, and others as having contributed to the heavy metal genre, but Black Sabbath was the band that “crystallized” it (3). I agree with this 100%. I’m not saying that Led Zeppelin didn’t contribute to heavy metal; I just don’t think they should be the band to introduce it in our text, and I don’t think they should hold the title as having made the genre what it is. Led Zeppelin is a great band, but they are not a representation of heavy metal. Black Sabbath was, and always will be, an iconic representation of heavy metal both visually and musically.
Here’s one more Black Sabbath song (added as a hyperlink in case you don’t feel like listening to it), another one of my favourites that makes me want to..dance nicely, fully clothed haha!
Enjoy the rest of your summer everyone!
1) Campbell, Michael. Popular Music in America: the Beat Goes On. 4th ed., Cengage, 2013.
2) Biography of Led Zeppelin Bio, History, Career, Evolution, Music, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, ledzeppelinweb.yaia.com/biography.html.
3) Rivadavia, Eduardo. “1970: The Year Heavy Metal Was Born.” Ultimate Classic Rock, 29 Sept. 2015, ultimateclassicrock.com/heavy-metal-born-1970/.