#M10Q1: Today’s Legends are Tomorrow’s History Lesson

#M10Q1: Today’s Legends are Tomorrow’s History Lesson


Prior to researching this topic, I tried to pick a group I could think of that has been killing it since the 2000s and is still rocking today. Being that it couldn’t be a Hip-hop or Electronica artist I couldn’t choose the first four that came to mind; Eminem, NWA (Dr. Dre and Ice Cube), Daft Punk and The Gorillaz. When pondering this question, I had to really think, I wanted to make my mind up before doing further research. The three artists that came to mind were The Killers, Coldplay, and Blink-182. Since another student chose to do Blink-182 and I feel like I knew them and Coldplay well, I chose The Killers. Although their fan base may disagree, I believe they will best be known as a band who created many huge hits. Although The Killers formed in 2001, I believe their popularity and adaptation over the years will land them in future textbooks.

Rise to Success: 2001-2004

The Killers is a rock band from Las Vegas, NV formed between original members Brandon Flowers (lead vocals, keyboards & bass) and Dave Keuning (lead guitar, backup vocals) [2]. Their music has been described as an “indie rock” or “alternative rock” group, which is interesting because many indie artists do not stay in the spotlight for very long [2]. The beginning of The Killers success came from their first studio album Hot Fuss (2004), which featured a couple songs on the Billboard Top 100 such as Mr. Brightside and Somebody Told Me [3]. Mr. Brightside’s success has long lived, it was first released in 2003 as an alternative version and then re-released with a new music video in 2004 [4]. Mr. Brightside would peak on the Billboard Top 100 at number 10 in mid-2005 [4]. Mr. Brightside hold’s the record for longest time on the UK Top 100 at 202 weeks and then returned to the chart in 2016 and 2017 for a 35-week blaze of glory [4].


Mr. Brightside is a cult favorite and I believe it alone will be studied in textbooks for its elegance and attractive lyrics. It has already been immortalized in memes.

Blackpeopletwitter, Funny, and Party: White people when Mr. Brightside starts playing at a party


Maintaining Fame: 2005-2009

Many believed the band’s success from their first studio album would dry up. After Hot Fuss went triple platinum, they continued to put work in the studio. They released two studio albums in 2006 and 2008 that proved their worth by attracting more attention in the charts. Their second studio album Sam’s Town (2006) gained large popularity, in particular to the song When You Were Young which achieved 5x Platinum Certification [7].


Day & Age (2008), their third studio album is where there it is evidence of adaptation in their music. The Killer’s had adapted to a newer style that was like pop music. Heavier uses of synthesizers can be heard throughout this album, where the riffs sound like the pop music of its time. A good example of this is from their most popular song on the album Human.


2010-2013: Hiatus and Upholding Indie in Pop Culture

In January 2010, The Killers went on a one and a half year hiatus [2]. During this time apart, several members pursued solo careers and projects [2]. The band got back together and returned to the studio to record their fourth studio album Battle Born (2012) [9].  Rolling Stone magazine would vote Battle Born the second best album of 2012 [10]. They still remain true to their alternative rock roots, but it is evident that more synthesizer and modern pop sounds are found throughout the album.


2014-Present: The Killers are Still Killing the Music Scene

The Killers have definitely lost their touch, although most of their fame and ongoing popularity has come from their early success, they are still icons in pop culture. They have been headliners at worldwide multi-genre festivals such as Lollapalooza and Coachella [2].


The Killers released their fifth studio album in 2017 Wonderful Wonderful [2]. According to The Killers co-founder Brandon Flowers, this is the best album they put together since Sam’s Town [13]. After producing their first album in five years and still producing great music that is true to their roots, The Killers have admitted they would like to produce another album [2]. The Killers have proven they can still hang with new music and are ready to take on more.




[1]          The Killers To Perform Pop-Up Concert In Front Of Caesars Palace. (2017, August 18). Retrieved from http://blog.caesars.com/las-vegas/las-vegas-hotels/caesars-palace/killers-free-show-caesars-palace/

[2]          The Killers. (2018, August 09). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Killers

[3]          Hot Fuss. (2018, August 09). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Fuss

[4]          Mr. Brightside. (2018, August 09). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Brightside

[5]          The Killers. (2009, June 16). The Killers – Mr. Brightside (Alternate Version). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsHC8Hwnh30

[6]          Sam’s Town. (2018, August 09). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam’s_Town

[7]          When You Were Young. (2018, August 08). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_You_Were_Young

[8]          The Killers. (2009, June 16). The Killers – When You Were Young. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff0oWESdmH0

[9]          The Killers. (2009, December 13). The Killers – Human. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIZdjT1472Y

[10]        Battle Born (album). (2018, August 08). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Born_(album)

[11]        Hahaha this needs to happen. Rolling Stone can go lay down. | tk tk tk tk tk tk ! | Pinterest | Rolling stones, Brandon flowers and Music artists. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/319051954824319968/

[12]        Staff, A. (2017, March 23). Muse, Blink 1982. Arcade Fire Lead Lollapalooza Lineup. Retrieved from http://www.antimusic.com/news/17/March/23Muse,_Blink_1982_Arcade_Fire_Lead_Lollapalooza_Lineup.shtml

[13]        Wonderful Wonderful (The Killers album). (2018, July 21). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonderful_Wonderful_(The_Killers_album)#Year-end_charts

[14]        Rut. (2017, September 21). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_ANcJi8eBw&index=3&list=PLi6OVDlNzWb4EbEoKLS6LMdvX8esUzXnw

W. C. Handy – The Father of the Blues


William Christopher Handy, better known as “W. C. Handy” was born on November 16th, 1873 in Florence, AL. As his nickname describes “The Father of Blues”, Handy was a pioneer for the blues. Though the blues originated sometime between the mid to late 1800s in the backwoods of the deep south, Handy is responsible for bringing the blues out of the woods and into the mainstream music scene.  Prior to his fame, he worked as a skilled carpenter and a teacher. I believe his humble roots helped him become the great racial activist we see in history books. Bringing the blues to the mainstream was a huge stride for the African-American racial movement. The history books appear to get muddy around the exact time, but it is believed Handy’s success with the blues in the mainstream music scene came around 1909, where he and his band would play in Memphis nightclubs. That year he was noted creating the base work for his first known blue’s tune Memphis Blues.  It was originally created for a mayoral campaign, then rewritten in 1912 and is the same Memphis Blues we know today

Some historians believe that Memphis Blues was the first published blues song. During a time where there was a significant amount of racial tension, long after the civil war, it was extraordinary that white mayoral candidate Edward Crump allowed W. C. Handy, a black man, be responsible for a significant part of his campaign. Edward Crump went on to win his first major political role as the mayor of Memphis and eventually led to a short-term as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for the state of Tennesee.

It is hard to find specific examples if Mr. Handy was ostracized or mistreated for being black, but I can guarantee it was not easy for him to be growing up in the southern United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Whether he strived for equality or not, W. C. Handy let his music do the talking.

The great success of Memphis Blues lead to other great compositions such as St. Louis Blues.

In 1917, Handy moved to New York. In Handy’s autobiography titled Memphis Blues, he claims that his song, which shares the title of the book created the foxtrot dance style [1, 4]. Foxtrot is normally danced to the ragtime genre. Below is the song Ole Miss Rag, which was written and composed by W. C. Handy during the peak of the foxtrot era [1, 3, 4].

As we have learned throughout the first half of this class, the blues have had a significant influence on today’s popular music and racial movements. The Father of Blues has made waves in today’s popular music and culture and most of the world has no idea who W. C. Handy is [4].


[1] “W. C. Handy.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 11 July 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._C._Handy.https://www.allaboutjazz.com/a-brief-history-of-the-blues-by-ed-kopp.php

[2] “W.C. Handy.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 27 Oct. 2015, www.biography.com/people/wc-handy-39700.

[3] Tucker, David. “Edward Hull ‘Boss’ Crump.” Tennessee Encyclopedia, Tennessee Historical Society, 1 Mar. 2018, tennesseeencyclopedia.net/entries/edward-hull-and-crump/.

[4] Nager, Larry, and Bill Monroe. “W.C. Handy.” Memphis Music Hall of Fame, memphismusichalloffame.com/inductee/wchandy/.

How the King Influenced Underground Hip Hop

It may seem farfetched that Elvis aka “The King of Rock and Roll” inspired an underground hip hop group in Minnesota [1]. This is not a direct connection, but there is a lineage that explains how the hip hop group Atmosphere received musical influences from Elvis Presley [1].  As seen below, Atmosphere’s influence from Elvis can be traced directly through The Beastie Boys and Led Zeppelin [1].

[1] Elvisualization (Spotify, 2018)


[2] Sean “Slug” Daley (left) and Anthony “Ant” Davis (right)

Atmosphere is no longer considered an “Underground Hip Hop” group, due to their success in the late 2000s but for a long period of time they weren’t selling out major concert halls. Since their inception in 1989, they have stayed true to their storytelling rapping lyrical measures and have remained with their small record company Rhymesayers Entertainment since they both founded it in 1995 [3, 4]. The song Yesterday (2008) is a great representation of their style, unlike most hip hop groups their lyrics are easily understood and the message is clear. They are aware of their audience and the influence their music has on their fans and are very cautious to avoid references that involve breaking the law.

Spoiler Alert!

Yesterday is a story about a mysterious influential person (usually assumed to be a friend or ex-lover), where Slug describes all the lessons he learned from this person and the regret he carries with him. Just as he is coming to grips of being a better person and is ready to reconcile with this individual, he explains the song is about his dad whom passed away. Then the tables are turned and the song has a new meaning about how he never achieved the peace he wanted with his father [5].


The Beastie Boys: Influence on Early Hip Hop

[6] The Beastie Boys

According to the influence web from Spotify, Atmosphere’s music was influenced by the Beastie Boys [1]. The Beastie Boys were an American punk rock band turned hip hop/rap rock group in the 1980s [7]. When listening to their tracks, it is difficult to draw parallels. Being that The Beastie Boys were pioneers in hip hop, it perhaps influenced Slug and Ant into the genre at a young age.


Led Zeppelin: Influence on Evolution of Music

[8] Led Zeppelin

The Beastie Boys were influenced by new genre of punk rock. According the Ramones, whom were a significant pioneer for punk rock claimed that Led Zeppelin were the creators of punk rock with the hit Communication Breakdown (1969) [9, 10]. It is believed that punk originated in 1975, where the Ramones lead the punk movement in 1976 [9, 11]. Though The Beastie Boys eventually switched genres, their roots and influence of Led Zeppelin remains.


Elvis: Influence on Rock and Roll

[12] Elvis Presley

Elvis did not create rock and roll, but he is known to be the first “rock star”. He has been granted the official nicknames of “The King of Rock and Roll” and even more impressively “The King” [13].


Did Elvis Influence Underground Rap?


A direct relationship between Elvis and Atmosphere is not apparent; however, there is a relationship as seen through the Elvisualization chart [1]. His impact on certain genres of music is debatable, but it is evident without Elvis, today’s popular music would be very different [1].




[1] The Elsvisualization. Spotify, 2018, static.echonest.com/insights/elvis/elvisualization.html.

[2] “Atmosphere.” IMDb, IMDb.com, 18 July 2018, www.imdb.com/name/nm2282786/mediaviewer/rm3956212480.

[3] “Atmosphere (Music Group).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmosphere_(music_group).

[4] archive-Kyle-Anderson. “Atmosphere’s Slug Tips Many Glasses To The Absent Beastie Boys At Outside Lands.” MTV News, MTV, 31 Aug. 2009, www.mtv.com/news/2576539/atmosphere-beastie-boys-outside-lands/.

[5] B, Nihal. “My Creative Creative Writing Blog.” Atmosphere-Yesterday Song/Poetry Analysis, 2010, nihalbhakta.blogspot.com/2010/03/atmosphere-yesterday-songpoetry.html.

[6] Hart, Ron. “How The Beastie Boys Perfected Rap-Rock (Before Everyone Else Ruined It).” Observer, Observer, 21 Apr. 2017, observer.com/2017/04/beastie-boys-check-your-head-album-anniversary-review/.

[7] “Beastie Boys.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 18 July 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beastie_Boys.

[8] Zorthian, Julia. “Led Zeppelin Wins Stairway to Heaven Copyright Trial.” Time, Time, 23 June 2016, time.com/4380339/led-zeppelin-win-stairway-to-heaven/.

[9] “Discover Who Influenced Beastie Boys.” MAROON 5’s Biggest Music Influences, 18 July 2018, inflooenz.com/?artist=Beastie

[10] “How Led Zeppelin’s ‘Communication Breakdown’ Sparked The Ramones’ American Punk Rock Revolution.” Don’t Forget The Songs 365, 3 Oct. 2013, dontforgetthesongs365.wordpress.com/2013/10/01/how-led-zeppelins-communication-breakdown-sparked-the-ramones-american-punk-rock-revolution/.Boys&follower=atmosphere.

[11] “U.S. Pop Music Timeline.” HUMAN IMPACT, www.factmonster.com/cool-stuff/music/us-pop-music-timeline.

[12] Einhart, Nancy. “I Love Elvis, and These Are My Favorite Songs.” POPSUGAR Tech, 18 Aug. 2017, www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Best-Elvis-Songs-Live-43883018.

[13] “Elvis Presley.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 20 June 2018, www.biography.com/people/elvis-presley-9446466.

[14] “Elvis Presley.” Freaking News Pictures, www.freakingnews.com/Elvis-Presley-Pictures–1286.asp.