Hello everybody! It’s Taylor. Today I am going to be discussing the one and only Lady Gaga and why I believe she will be included in future textbooks about the pop music industry. Lady Gaga is one of the most recognizable artists of the 2010’s.[1] With every song, video, performance, and red carpet appearance she makes a bold statement that is impossible to forget. Her outrageous outfits, catchy, yet impactful songs, and wild performances have pushed the boundaries of pop in ways never seen before.
Lady Gaga was born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. As Germanotta dove into the music industry, Lady Gaga was created. Her new reputation was similar to David Bowie’s musical identity, Ziggy Stardust . Her costumes were a fusion of glam rock and insane fashion statements. Gaga pushed the limits in every way. For example, at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, Lady Gaga wore a dress made out of meat. Audiences excitingly anticipated her performances and appearances, never knowing what was coming next. As more and more people liked her music, all of her crazy ideas began to seem more normal in the pop world. [2]

In 2008 Gaga released her first album “The Fame” which included her No. 1 Billboard chart singles “Just Dance”, “Poker Face”, “LoveGame”, and “Paparazzi”. As she became more popular in the music world, nothing was too weird for Lady Gaga. Her career exploded into the music industry with new and inventive songs and ideas. Her provocative dance music went mainstream instantly and made a huge imprint on the music world. Lady Gaga also took advantage of music videos and created outrageous videos that people talked about and remembered.[3]
Her daring work’s extensive time on the charts is one of the reasons why I believe Lady Gaga belongs in a pop music textbook. Her success was huge and took over the number one spot many times with bold songs. Gaga took pop to a whole new level. The music videos that followed along are also a reason to be recognized. She proved that pop music can be as crazy and bold as you want, and still be successful.

Lady Gaga’s talent and imagination went on to influence other major stars as well. Soon after her first two albums released, artists such as Beyonce, Rihanna and Kanye West were quick to follow the wild path and collaborate with her. In 2009 Beyonce and Lady Gaga collaborated in “Telephone”, and made a bold-faced music video for the song that was over nine minutes long. This later inspired Kanye West to produce extremely long music videos, or short films, for his music.[4] This is another reason for Gaga to appear in future pop music textbooks. She made almost anything acceptable in pop music, impacting the work of upcoming artists and already made stars. Artists were inspired to take a leap of faith into the new world of Gaga’s pop music.
Not only did she influence artists, but the music itself had deep meaning that affected her fans. Lady Gaga’s lyrics were personal and powerful, set to up tempo dance music.[5] This way Gaga could grab the attention of her listeners with the catchy music and then present her important message to them. This is shown in her song “Born This Way” from her 2011 album, also called “Born This Way”. The song is an anthem of acceptance, no matter your sexual orientation, ethnicity, disabilities, or anything else.[6] The lyrics of the course,
“I’m beautiful in my way
‘Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way”[7],
show that it is important to love yourself and be who you are. People are not mistakes that need to be fixed. Lady Gaga’s song of self –love soon became a signature tune for the queer community and for girls. The unapologetic and “you’re not alone” theme makes this song so easily accepted. Gaga’s “Born This Way” attitude even brought her to speaking out on gay rights and same-sex marriage at 2009 National Equality March in Washington, D.C.[8] Lady Gaga not only influenced the music industry, but she also used her music to connect with society. This is another reason why I believe Lady Gaga should be included in future pop music textbooks. She showed that it is perfectly normal and beautiful to be yourself completely. Her message has resonated with many people and effected society, therefore giving her music meaning and importance.
Throughout the years Lady Gaga has focused more on the music itself. She has gone in multiple directions with her sound.[9] Gaga’s albums have had ranges of sounds from the songs “Million Reasons” and “Joanne” that have softer piano and guitar with powerful vocals, compared to “Applause” with an electronic and more dramatic sound. She even ventures to jazz with Tony Bennett on their album “Cheek to Cheek”. Her versatility has expanded her audience and brought many new looks to her reputation. In this music she is becoming less mainstream pop and toning down her outrageous Gaga look, while maintaining success.[10]
Gaga deserves to be in upcoming textbooks about the pop music industry. She has taken her music in new and inventive directions and inspired other artists and fans to take risks and be yourself without shame. Her attitude and creativity has taken her to the top of the charts showing that being different can be successful too. Not only is she outrageous and wildly imaginative, but she has given her music importance as well. Lady Gaga is a pop icon that will be remembered forever for her music videos, fashion choices, performances, influence and great music.
[1]“The Defining Artists of the 2010s (So Far),” Billboard, Google, last modified January 15,2015, https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop-shop/6443462/best-artists-of-2010s-so-far [2] Michael Levy, “Lady Gaga,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, Google, last modified June 14, 2018, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lady-Gaga [3] Andrew Unterberger, “How Lady Gaga Raised the Standards for Ambition in Pop,” Billboard, Google, last modified October 18, 2016, https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7548935/lady-gaga-pop-ambition-kanye-beyonce [4] Ibid. [5]Michael Levy, “Lady Gaga,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, Google, last modified June 14, 2018, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lady-Gaga [6] Meghan Casserly, “Lady Gaga’s Born This Way: Gay Anthems and Girl Power,” Forbes, Google, last modified February 11, 2011, https://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2011/02/11/lady-gagas-born-this-way-gay-anthems-and-girl-power/#4d95bce32fe5 [7] “Lady Gaga Lyrics ‘Born This Way’,” AZLyrics, Google, accessed August 8, 2018, https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/ladygaga/bornthisway.html [8] Michael Levy, “Lady Gaga,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, Google, last modified June 14, 2018, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lady-Gaga [9] Andrew Unterberger, “How Lady Gaga Raised the Standards for Ambition in Pop,” Billboard, Google, last modified October 18, 2016, https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7548935/lady-gaga-pop-ambition-kanye-beyonce [10]Josh Duboff, “How Lady Gaga’s Joanne Marks the End of the ‘Zaney Pop Star’ Era,” Vanity Fair, Google, last modified October18, 2016, https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/10/lady-gaga-joanne-end-of-zany-pop-star Source List Casserly, Meghan, “Lady Gaga’s Born This Way: Gay Anthems and Girl Power,” Forbes, Google, last modified February 11, 2011, https://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2011/02/11/lady-gagas-born-this-way-gay-anthems-and-girl-power/#4d95bce32fe5 Duboff, Josh, “How Lady Gaga’s Joanne Marks the End of the ‘Zaney Pop Star’ Era,” Vanity Fair, Google, last modified October18, 2016, https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/10/lady-gaga-joanne-end-of-zany-pop-star “Lady Gaga Lyrics ‘Born This Way’,” AZLyrics, Google, accessed August 8, 2018, https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/ladygaga/bornthisway.html Levy, Michael, “Lady Gaga,” Encyclopaedia Britannica, Google, last modified June 14, 2018, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lady-Gaga “The Defining Artists of the 2010s (So Far),” Billboard, Google, last modified January 15,2015, https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop-shop/6443462/best-artists-of-2010s-so-far Unterberger, Andrew, “How Lady Gaga Raised the Standards for Ambition in Pop,” Billboard, Google, last modified October 18, 2016, https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7548935/lady-gaga-pop-ambition-kanye-beyonce