Hello, my name is Travis and I am a 4th year Finance major at Edwards School of Business. I have selected to take this class as an elective as I had hoped to gain some insight and knowledge around popular music in America. The course material has sufficed up to this point and has helped me better grasp concepts, ideas, and information on previous and exciting music.
After reading the part on Albert von Tilzer in the textbook, his older brother Harry von Tilzer, was only briefly introduced and sparked an interest for me. With one of the challenge questions for module two being the option to research one of the six listed artists or singers, I decided that I would take the opportunity further my interest in Harry von Tizler. So today I would like to talk about Harry Gumm or as you may know as Harry von Tilzer, the older brother of Albert von Tilzer.
Harry Gumm was born in Detroit, Michigan on July 8, 1872. At a young age Harry participated in circus acts, which helped him better himself in playing piano and acting. At this point in life Harry had decided to adopt his mother’s maiden name of Tilzer and added the von because he thought it showed more class. Ever since, he has been known as Harry von Tilzer and had influenced his other siblings to take the name as well. From the constant practice and play of piano he was able to secure a job as a saloon pianist. After some years of this occupation he had finally published his first song “My Old New Hampshire Home” one of the many that would become a smashing hit and #1 sheet music seller.
The success of “My Old New Hampshire Home” prompted Maurice Shapiro of Shapiro-Bernstein Music Publishers to make Von Tilzer a partner, and the firm renamed ‘Shapiro, Bernstein and Von Tilzer’. (Reublin and Beil 2018) Soon after, Harry had come out with another successful song “A Bird in a Gilded Cage” and shortly after left Shapiro Bernstein to form Harry Von Tilzer Music Company. This song is considered a Ballad and tells the story of a woman who has married a man for only money and not love.
One of the songs created under his own label was “In the Sweet Bye Bye” and was not highly recognized as the former two discussed above. Although, the song is very catchy and has a romantic storyline.
Harry Gumm AKA Harry von Tilzer is noted as one of the best ‘Tin Pan Alley‘ songwriters of the 20th century. He contributed a numerous amount waltz songs and songs in general. His story did not contain much hardship or challenges, but only because he worked hard to achieve the status he gained. I would consider him a major contributor to the beginning of popular American music.
Reublin, Richard, and Richard Beil. 2018. “Songs About U.S. States; Missouri To Oregon, Page 1”. Parlorsongs.Com. Accessed July 20. http://parlorsongs.com/issues/2003-8/thismonth/feature.php.
Reublin, Rick. 2009. “In Search Of Tin Pan Alley”. Parlorsongs.Com. http://parlorsongs.com/insearch/tinpanalley/tinpanalley.php.
Songwriters Hall of Fame. 2018. “Harry Von Tilzer | Songwriters Hall Of Fame”. Songhall.Org. https://www.songhall.org/profile/Harry_Von_Tilzer.
Youtube. 2015. “A Bird In A Gilded Cage” 1900 Cylinder (Song By Arthur J. Lamb And Harry Von Tilzer) Lambert. Image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkc9f-5ZW-k.
Youtube. 2016. Consolidated Quartet – My Old New Hampshire Home. Image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE0dQafOIsY.
Youtube. 2016. In The Sweet Bye And Bye (1902). Image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAJ1d2uaUr8.