Campus Safety at the University of Saskatchewan was one of the first departments to actively participate in the field of Information Technology (IT) Security and Computer Crime…
Since 1990, Campus Safety has staffed one full time IT Investigator to handle all university related IT incidents. In 2002 it hired its first Certified Computer Forensic Investigator. Today, Campus Safety handles several hundred specific IT Security related calls yearly, and investigates many other crimes where an electronic device is involved.
The popular belief about “Computer Crime” is that it relates only to attacks which target a computer system or a network in an effort to gain entry or control. However, Computer Crime also refers to any incident where an electronic device may be the tool, target or place of a crime, or if used in any way to facilitate a criminal offence. Threats sent over email, photos or documents that relate to a victim or target, and fraudulent banking websites are all examples where Campus Safety would utilize their in-house forensic tools to help find the suspect.
Campus Safety is a strong supporter of Community Policing, and offers IT Security programs to the campus and general public, including how to protect your computer and how to use the Internet safely. Campus Safety can also tailor a program to your needs in effort to help secure systems throughout the University of Saskatchewan. For more information, please visit