Did you know that Campus Safety safely destroyed 318 Backup Tapes, 934 Floppy Disks and 131 Hard Drives in 2008?
Many people believe that a simple format or delete will remove all confidential information from a computer, but that is false. All media, including hard drives, floppy disks, and even USB drives retain some or all of their data after that data is dropped into the trash.
It is University Policy that all computer systems be wiped securely before they are sent to surplus. Additionally, any external media (backup taps, disks or CD/DVDs) must be properly erased or destroyed before they can be disposed of.
Please refer the Data Disposal page on the Campus Safety website for information on how to surplus your computer, as well as a link to free software that can be used to completely wipe a computer system.
Campus Safety will also dispose of media if you are unable to do so. We do not accept full computers, but will accept hard drives, floppy disks, optical storage, etc… contact our office for details.