Paintball damage on Campus and across Saskatoon

A 17 year old Saskatoon youth has been charged following a number of incidents of damage to property.

The youth is facing a charge of Mischief Under $5000 in connection with incidents on April 19th where paint balls were shot at a number of signs between Boychuk Drive and Attridge Drive. He is scheduled to appear in Provincial Court on May 26th. A second individual is being questioned in regard to the incidents and further charges are pending.
Sasaktoon Police continue to investigate approximately two dozen paint ball incidents which have occurred City-wide since mid April. The public is encourage to notify Police at 975-8300 if any similar incidents have occurred in their neighbourhood The suspects involved may have been driving a white, two-door Pontiac Sunfire at the time.
Please call Campus Safety @ 966-5555 if you have any information regarding this incident on Campus.